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America: *throws away England's scones (and tea)* WHOOPS

England: *throws away France's food* Whoops, wanker

France: *throws away England's scones or grabs a country's lower regions* whoops (honhonhon)

China: *steals a panda* whoops, aru

Russia: *hits someone with his magic pipe of pain* whoops, da

Denmark: *someone steps on his legos* whoops....

Norway: *turns Iceland small/chibi* whoops (call me big brother)

Iceland: *uses/destroys all of Norway's butter* whoops

Finland: *hits someone, making them unconscious* whoops

Sweden: *on the ground unconscious* or * sells Denmark's legos and buys Ikea* wh'ps

Vinex: *kills someone* WHOOPSIE

2p Vinex: *goes on a killing spree* WHOOPS

Chibi Vinex: *gives someone poisoned cupcakes* whoopsie daisy

Shy Vinex: *hits someone* whoops, sorry

Past Vinex: *steals* whoops, not sorry

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