Sonadow &..... Pink Dresses?

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Amy: Why?! *runs in with duct tape*
Me: THIS!! *takes duct tape from here, tapes her mouth, puts earmuffs on her ears, ties her wrists together*
Amy: 😑😡😡😡 *angry*
Me: what? There's a question that you don't wanna hear... SANIC!!!!!!!
Sonic: *sprints in* Yes— why does Amy have duct tape on her mouth?
Me... don't ask... anyways, @DaviaTheHedgehog asks Sonic: what's your opinion on Sonadow? Hmm. This couple is actually complicated in my shipping thing... I ship it for appearance... not for like making.... love if you know what I mean like.... bang bang pow.
Sonic: •_• WTF? anyways... umm..... considering the fact that I'm not really gay... I don't like it. Plus, I'm with Amy so....
Me: I do agree.... for the boom verse~
Sonic: huh?
Me: Nottthhhiiiingggg.... *winks*
Sonic: .....

Me: SHADZ!!!!!!
Shadow: what the hell do you want?!
Shadow: -.-
Me: anyways.... @DaviaTheHedgehog dares you to wear a pink girly dress for the whole day.

Shadow: .... -_-
Me: *snaps fingers*
Shadow:*in pink dress* -__-

Two hours later...
Shadow: -___-

Three more hours later....
Shadow: —________—

About 24 hours later:
Shadow: ——__________________——

Me: you can take it off now.
Shadow: *rips dress off*
Amy: Grrr.......!!!!!!
Shadow: o.o'

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