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Tablet: Ahoy mateys! We have another dare!!!
Tails: okay who effed with the settings this time?
Amy: *looks down* *raises hand*
Perci: *facepalms* you don't tell the person! You try to get away with it first!
Amy: ........
Knuckles: yeah, you dumber den me!
Sonic: did all of you watch dumb & dumber?
Everyone: yeah.
Knuckles: I'M DUM AND AMY'S DUMMER!!!!
Shadow: *facepalms*
Amy: did you just call me dumb?
Knuckles: ahaha ha! You're funny!
Amy: did you just call me dumb?
Knuckles: .... maaayyybbbeeee......
Amy: .......... remind me to bring up this next time he wants me to do something for him.
Sticks: why—
Amy: just do it, please.
Tails: Ookkaaaayyy...... let's just get on with this dare!
Shadow: we all have a dare, don't we.
Sticks: Yup!
Tablet: shiver me timbers! This is the dare! From: peaceandlove102 ! she's such a nice lass!

I dare everyone to kiss their crush!

Shadow: we HAVE to fix that tablet.
Everyone: agreed.

Sonic: wait wait wait... kiss their crush?
Shadow: what's wrong, Faker? Are you scared?
Sonic: no. Because my crush is right next to me! *pecks Amy on the lips*
Amy: *blushes* my turn? Alrighty then... *pulls by bandana, kisses Sonic*
Sonic: O////.////O
Amy: *lets go*
Sonic: O.O Tails, you owe me a twenty.... because Amy does like me back!
Amy: *giggles*
Tails: *rolls his eyes* gee, thanks Amy. *pays Sonic $20*

Knuckles: ummm... do I have to?
Everyone: yup.
Knuckles: *deep blush* *kisses Sticks on cheek*
Sticks: O/////.//////O *kisses his cheek*
Everyone except them & Shadow: D'awwwwww
Shadow: *rolls eyes* bleh. Mushy crap.

Dr. Eggman: I only say aww if it's Sonamy or Tailooey.
Tails: wow.
Sticks: sorry scrambled eggs, you kind of missed Sonamy.
Dr. Eggman: Dang it!
Tails: *kisses Zooey's cheek, blushes*
Zooey: *kisses Tails' cheek, blushes*
Perci: *walks up, kisses Tails' cheek*
Shadow: well, someone's definitely a ladies man *smirks*
Me: oh shut it, Shadz!
Shadow: *rolls eyes*
Staci: Keep rolling your eyes, Mister Ultimate Lifeform, maybe you'll be lucky enough to find a brain back there.

Shadow: well, at least I'm smart enough to move out of the way of a falling tree!
Staci: that was Perci!
Sonic: really?! I actually thought it was you! Wow... I really need a way to tell you two apart...
Staci: Yeah. No dip, Sherlock. *rolls eyes*
Knuckles: Dip? Where?! Which kind?! I hope it's hummus!

Shadow: *facepalm* and to answer the questi—
Dr. Eggman: dare.
Shadow: *glares, scoffs* the dare... I don't have a crush.
Everyone: *gasps*
Shadow: what?
Sonic: you don't think anyone is even cute? You don't have a crush?!!
Shadow: well.... I would love to crush you with a tree.... or my Chaos blast... but I don't have the blast in this canon and I don't feel like pushing a tree on top of your head at the moment.
Sonic: d'awww senpai cares~
Shadow: if you call me senpai again I swear I will pound your face into the dirt. Again.
Sonic: that was only because I was tired!! :(
Shadow: Don't call me senpai again and DON'T say you were tired because I would have won that fight!! It's because that stupid Egghe—
Dr. Eggman: Eggman.
Shadow: grrrrr.......
Dr. Eggman: I'm just gonna..... *hops into egg mobile, flies off*
Me: was that everyone? Did you all kiss?
Everyone: yeah...
Staci: *smirks* *turns off camera*

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