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This tale is of a world not so different from ours. Our time is old and theirs is new. No one believed in Gods, probably because they all have the story wrong.

Long ago the Gods had nowhere to stay. No one to go to. They all stayed by themselves, drifting in endless space. Gaea, or Terra, and Ouranos, or Uranus, with the help of the powers of many of the Gods including the Christian God, Jehovah, created the whole world so that the Gods had a place to stay. And so many things were created until we are what we are now. Humans trying to make a living.

The Gods once interfered with human life, trying to bring them treasures in return for being worshipped so that they would get stronger. This only sparked more war and conflict, which made the War Gods stronger than ever. That then made even more conflict occur this time between the Gods themselves.

Eventually, all this strife and misery wound up aiding the creation of a new God. When Ouranos died his blood was scattered all over the world, each droplet creating beasts, monsters and many more. Eventually, the world thought he had no blood left to create no more beasts, the last of it said to create the Goddess Aphrodite or Venus.

But that was a lie. Hundreds upon thousands of years when the Gods removed themselves from the humans, another droplet of Ouranos' blood wound up on Earth once more, this one creating a sword of uncontrollable power. Only a being created from the blood of Ouranos himself could wield it. All the Gods tried to remove the sword but to no avail could it be used. The Norse failed, the Greek failed, the Romans, Celtics, and Egyptians all failed. The Christian Devil failed and onward it went. That was until Venus found the sword. And she lifted it.

But Venus was no goddess who fought. She was a goddess of beauty. All the Gods tried to bring her to them to make her use the sword to do their bidding. Of course, in confusion, she ran from them all. Then a second droplet fell, this time from his Roman form, Uranus. This droplet created a new God who came to be known as Cuxiel, the New God of Creation. Cuxiel raised the swords to the Gods and decided to end the conflict of the Gods by slaying them all.

From the mixed ashes of what they used to be, he added creation magic to create six new ones. They became the Gods and Goddesses of the New World. Cuxiel resigned from the position of the supreme God and had someone else reign over the New Heaven. Together the new Gods led the humans into an era of rebirth and recreation. This most fruitful era created beasts of untold power to shake the balance between good and bad. When this failed to happen he created five Gods from the sins of humans. These Gods became ones of different powers.

This is a tale of six kids lost on their own paths trying to cope with the New World with the New Age all while fighting the struggles of a New Evil.

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