The Sunshine pt. 2

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Friday soon comes and me and Hobi are still snapchatting, he's still as sweet as ever to me.

I'm currently messaging him, when I notice my mom wearing formal attire.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Well," She starts, straightening her dress. "You know our neighbor, Ms. Thomas? She wants us to have a girls night, so I'm going on the town with her."

"That's good. You need time off from work." I say smiling.

My mom's a lawyer, so she hardly ever gets any free time. Pair that with being a single mom, and you've got a tiring situation.

My dad? He left when I was just a baby. We don't know where he's at, or if he's even alive. Maybe that's why I try to avoid the guys at my school.

Well, every guy except one...

I smile as I get another message.

I type back. 'My mom is going on a party night... I'm here alone' I pair it with a sad emoji.

"When are you going to ask him out?" She asks.

"What?" I ask, looking up at her from my place on the couch.

"You're talking to him right now, aren't you?" She looks at my phone in my hand. "He obviously likes you. And he's adorable and nice!"

I scoff. "He doesn't like me! And I don't like him. He's just a friend!"

She looks away. "I'm just saying, if you want to go out with him, you have my blessing."

She glances at the clock.

"Oh! I have to be going! Bye! I love you! Be safe!" She says as she kisses me on the cheek and walks out.

I close the door and my phone vibrates in my hand. I look down.

It's Hobi. I smile as I open the message.

'Are you lonely? I'll fix that! I'm coming over with popcorn so we can watch a movie!'


I quickly type back. 'No, it's fine! You don't need to come over!'

It pops up that he's typing.

'I'm already on my way ^^'

Oh my gosh! I glance around the living room. It's a mess!

I throw my phone down on the couch and begin to frantically clean.

It's mainly candy wrappers and socks. I throw the wrappers away and put the socks in the laundry room.

Lastly I look at myself. I throw my hair in a loose bun. As I finish tying it off, I hear the doorbell.

Oh my gosh!

I run down the stairs, and open it door.

"Hi." I say as I see that it's him.

"Hi." He replies back, and I notice that he's looking at my outfit.

I look down and see  I forgot that I'm wearing my blue pijamas with pink hearts on them.

Well, this is embarrassing.

"I like your pijamas," He says. "You look cute."

I blush. "C-come in!" I say and usher him in the house.

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