The Tired

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"Hey Holly! It's time to wake up!"

I raise my head up from the desk.

"The bell is about to ring. You know you have history next, you can't be late. You know how strict Mr. Bryde is!"

That comment really makes my eyes shoot open. "Thanks Andy. I know. I shudder every time someone gets in trouble in there. He yells so much, I feel like that he's yelling at me!"

She laughs. "Do you think that any of the new students are in any of your classes?"

"I hope not. They look like trouble."

She looks astonished. "What?! Sometimes trouble is a good thing!"

I stare at her dumbfounded. "Since when is trouble a good thing?"

She gazes up as if she's imagining something. "You know, a sexy bad boy, an innocent good girl. It's like, so hot."

I push her shoulder. "Stop! You have many nasty thoughts!"

We both laugh.

The bell signals the end of the class.

"Well I'm off to Calculus," She says monotonously.

"Have fun." I say pitying her.

We both walk out and go separate directions. She to the left, and me to the right.

I'm one of the first people in the classroom and Mr. Bryde is writing things on the board. Soon after I sit down, more people file in.

There's one person that walks in, however, that I've never seen in this class.

He walked with confidence, yet with a sluggish appeal. He had a facial expression of a dead person, no smile, and eyes glazed over.

I watch him as he gets closer to where I'm at.

Oh shoot! I know him! The rapper! Black hair! Yoongi!

He stops at the desk right beside mine. I watch as he throws his backpack down onto the desk and falls into the seat.

"What time does this class end?" He asks.

I'm a little shocked that he's talking to me so I stutter out my answer.  "E-eleven thirty." I tell him.

"Good." He says as he lays his head down on the desk.

What? Is he planning on sleeping the whole time?! He's going to get into so much trouble! And it's his first day!

Mr. Bryde looks around the class, probably checking to see if everyone is here.

Wait. Why do I care if he gets in trouble? It's not like I know him or anything.

I gulp as Mr. Bryde looks in my direction. He then nods and turns around to face the board again.

Did he not see him? I glance back over at him. Sound asleep.

As Mr. Bryde goes over the lesson for the day, my nervousness increases.

So what if I don't know him? If he gets yelled at, then it will be loud. Mr. Bryde already scares me when he yells, and if he yells at someone who is sitting at that close of a proximity to me, I think I will die from fright.

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