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Welcome, my glorious (any currently nonexistent) readers! Today I am going to try something new! New to me, that is. In actuality, it's completely unoriginal!

*Single tear rolls down cheek*

Well, here it is: A Death Note ask or dare! Now, Death Note is my obsession anime, so that's how this monstrosity was birthed... And I'm not making it entirely an ask or dare, because that would be really embarrassing if nobody suggests anything! (That's were the WTF!? comes in).


But, I'll be focusing on Light, L, Misa, Matsuda (I might kick him out) Near, and Mello! With occasional guests stars, such as celebrities/fictional celebrities/ caricatures of my friends! 

Anyway, we'll see how this fleshes out. Chow for now! (And yes I know that that's not how you spell it).

IMPORTANT: If you haven't finished the series, DO NOT READ THIS. MAJOR spoilers throughout. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Death Note Ask or Dare/ WTF!?Where stories live. Discover now