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I woke up to some extremely bright sunlight and sat up, wondering what time it was.

I moved around and Ashton sat up as well, and we both got up and got dressed. Calum and Holly didn't take much time getting up after us either and we headed somewhere to get breakfast and a shower.

We were on the road not long after that and the rest of the week went similarly. I still couldn't believe Ashton wrote a song for me. It made me so happy to know that someone cared so much.

When we got back home, Sam was packing for college in a week and Ashton needed to so after I showered I went to help him. He was standing in his shorts and band t shirt with the sleeves ripped off and his bandanna tied around his head. I knocked softly on his open door and he turned around and smiled at me.

"Are you coming to help me pack?" He said, wrapping his arms around me.

"Yeah I am," I sighed. "The exact opposite of what I helped you do two months ago."

"Yeah," he said. "But don't worry. You'll see me again before you know it."

Ashton always finding the bright side of things.

He kissed my lips and turned back to the box he was packing.

"I'm not going to take a whole lot with me," he said. "Just clothes and some things that will remind me of you and my family."

I thought about the fact that in a week Ashton would be leaving and I wasn't going to see him again until December. It made my chest ache and I felt like crying.

"Come on Sarah," he said, pulling me over to him. "No crying today. We save that for when I actually have to leave okay?"

I nodded but couldn't help the tear that fell from my eye. He used his thumb to brush it away and pulled me into his arms.

"Let's just enjoy the time that we DO have together here," he said. "How about we go do something?"

"Like what?" I asked.

He thought for a second and then smiled at me. "I'll finish packing this box and then we'll go."

"Let me guess," I said. "You're not telling me where we're going."

He smiled big at me. "Nope."

I sighed and he pulled away, throwing a few more things into the box and taping it up before grabbing my hand and walking downstairs holding it.

"Hey mom, Sarah and I are gonna go out," he said to his mom who was folding laundry.

"You just got back from driving for a week," she said. "Don't you ever get tired of it?"

"If Sarah is involved I don't get tired of anything," he said, winking at me and causing me to blush.

She chuckled to herself and Ashton pulled me outside and to his car.

He started driving and I didn't even realize where he was taking me until we got there.

"Are you serious?" I looked at him and he just flashed that award winning smile and climbed out of the truck.

I climbed out as well, and he ran over to me and swept me off my feet and carried me like a princess.

"I've finally found Prince Charming to come and sweep me off my feet and carry me away into the sunset," I said dramatically, smiling at him.

"Although this is prince isn't very charming," he said.

"You charmed me with your smile when I first met you," I replied.

The Great Escape || a.i. *completed & editing*Where stories live. Discover now