birthday's and a bad surprise x.x

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amy’s pov

for the past 2 day’s me and the others have been planing a surprise for chelsea’s for her birthday which is today we all have got up early to make breakfast for her or should i say i am making breakfast the others are sitting watching me. well at least phoebe is helping, she’s placed the plates and cutlery on a tray with a cup of apple juice before chelsea is weird and doesn’t like oranges. once i had finished i placed 2 pancakes on the plate and covered them in syrup. i grabbed the tray and we all walked up the stairs and then up the second pair but i stopped everyone before we went in and whispered “i think me and the girls should just go in at first” the boys looked confused and phoebe piped up but still whispering “chelsea has a habit of sleeping ether naked or in just hr underwear” they giggled and agreed to stay out side. i opened the door and me and the girls sunk in and i placed the tray on the desk next to the bed’s. “CHELSEA….CHELSEA” we screamed and she moaned “it’s your birthday” she shout up and just as we suspected she was only in a red laced brad and then she got up and on her bottom half was only a thong. “chelsea Moore put soon clothes on Lilly squealed covering her eyes “secretly Lilly you love it” chelsea laughed and threw on a pear of grey joggers and a wight top. “you can come in know boy’s” phoebe said opening the door and they all rushed in crushing chelsea with hugs “right i think thats anuff we don’t want her in the hospital for her birthday” they all got of and wished her a happy birthday. she dug into her breakfast while the rest of us went to go get dressed.

i walked my’n and brads room and i felt like wearing shorts and a crop top so thats what i did. i choose some light wash denim shorts and a white crop top with flowers on (it was a corset type one) then i got my most favourite pice of clothing out my light blue kimono with white flowers on i though it was beautiful. i lay them out on the bed with my underwear and went into the bathroom and went into the shower.

about 2 minuets of being in the sower brad came in naked and i couldn’t resist looking at his body. how dose he do it, keep sexy but still eat a whole load of food. i was soon stopped by brad pulling my hand to his chest and running it up and down his stumik “what are you doing you idiot” i snached my hand back “well you were looking so i thought you might want to touch” he smirked and ended with a wink. omg i think I’m melting. “brad i need to shower” i giggled like a love sick school girl “well i need one two so lets shear” he cuddled me then let go as his ‘member’ started to get a little to exited. i razed an eyebrow and he flushed a slight pink “sorry” she whispered and i kissed him on the cheek “it’s ok it’s what boy’s do isn’t it” he nodded “and that is why i love you amy trop” i smiled “soon to be amy Simpson…wow that actually sound really good” he smirked “i think it sounds beautiful”


once we were done i got out and walked back into the bedroom but i was soon pushed on the bed. then brad climbed over me and he was naked “brad we don’t have time to mess around” i giggled “please i really want you” he begged “no get dressed” he was disappointed but i have a different reason not to. i was sopouso post to be due my date with mother nacher but she hasn’t come (if you get what i am saying). today me and the girls are going out shopping while the boys have to work. then they have a few days of so we are going clubbing. which i don’t want to incas i am pregnant i probably wont but i think i might by a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side.

i walked down stairs to be grated with just the boys “hi” James said not even looking away from the t.v “were are the girl’s” they looked at me “they have already gone, you told them you didn’t want to go”tristan looked at me confused “are you ok?” Connor got up and looked at me studying my face “yeah i’m ok…anyway James can you drive me some wear” he raised an eyebrow but didn’t ask any questions and just got up and grabbed his things (keys, jacket and wallet). “were are you going?” brad smiled at me as he run/walked down the stairs “all tell you latter” i said quickly pushing James out the door and into his car “whats up amy?” he looked at me worried and i looked to my fingers “promos you won’t tell, judge or be mad at me” i looked him in the eye “i promos” he is like a big brother to me so i trust him “i-i-i-i” i took a deep breath “i might be pregnant” i closed my eyes weighting for him to shout. but after a couple of minuets of science i opened my eyes. he looked shocked and his mouth was wide open “i am going to kill him” he clutch his hand’s to make a fist “NO! James please don’t tell him or hurt him” i pleaded “he should lurn to use protection” well this is awkward it’s like having the ‘talk’ with your teacher it’s not nice. 

“can we just got to the pharmacy please” i said looking forward. he didn’t say anything he just drove with no radio all the way there and it was silent. we pulled up in front of a small pharmacy and we both got out. he locked the car and then we walked in the smell of sterilisation and medison hit me. “were do we go” James whispered to me and i looked around and seen the baby isle i guess it is the best place to start. i pulled him up the isle and sure anuff there they were all the test’s “which one do i get?” i looked at all of them and James shrugged “i don’t know am n*” but he was cut of by a woman with blond hair “can i help you?” she smiled at us “um…” i looked at James i don’t want her to judge me “can you help me pick out a test for my big sister and her husband, just she sent us” he said pointing between me and him. “yeah of course let me see” she bent down looking at them and i smiled at James as a thank you but was soon interrupted by the woman “here this one, it shows you if you are having a baby and how far on you are in your pregnancy” she handed it to James and he wasn’t quite sure of why to do with it “if you just come over here and you can pay for it” she chuckled and i tried to keep my laugh in as his face was so funny. 


James didn’t stay he just dropped me off and then left to go to the studio with the others. i ran into my room and into the bathroom i want this over and done with. i opened the packet and took a deep breath before doing what i needed to do. i left it on the bathroom counter for 5 minuets like that box said. 

when i walked back in the room i felt really nerves. i piked the test up and took a deep breath before looking at it……………………………positive you are 1-2 weeks pregnant. i felt my whole world just slip away.

A/N: tomorrow (17th of april) it is mama megan’s birthday and i have been under so much pressure to get this written, also i have masses of homework to do before i go back to school. also a new chapter for my new collar book should be up soon so keep an eye out. thanks for everything love megan xox

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