You're Never Alone

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Chapter 8

Taylor, Libby, and Ryan all start walking away from the hospital. They are talking about what Ryan does in the military, but Libby stops walking. Libby looks around, nothing, everything is vacant. Taylor and Ryan look at Libby, Taylor asks, ¨What?¨ Libby says, ¨I feel like something is watching us, listening to us.¨ Libby starts to walk towards a skyscraper. She goes in. Taylor and Ryan look at each other and go in after her. Ryan slings the gun from his back into his hands. Libby, instead of grabbing the gun, gets her crowbar and holds it at her side. Taylor has her gun in hand as well. Libby stops next to the front desk and turns around, ¨I can feel something watching us, i'm going to get to the bottom of it.¨ She turns back around and Ryan says, ¨I don't have a good feeling about this building.¨ Libby clutches her crowbar harder and starts moving forward. She sees a staircase leading to a big hall. ¨Let's go up there.¨

They all move up the staircase, the feeling in their stomachs worsens. ¨I feel like we shouldn't be up here.¨ Taylor says. ¨I know,¨ Libby's voice scratches,¨ But we have to keep moving.¨ They all are now moving very slowly and cautiously. Ryan looking into every room on the right, Taylor looking into every room on the left, and Libby always looking ahead of them, down the hallway. Nothing, no sound. Libby stops and looks down the hallway, a little light is moving, like a flashlight, that means they were not alone in this building. They all are alert, Libby puts the crowbar in her backpack and gets out the gun. They all went down on one knee with their guns resting on their other knee, pointing them at the corner that the light is coming from. Their breathing slowly comes almost to a stop. They hold their gun tight. Waiting for anything to come around the corner. They all prepare for it to be Jason. The now hear some movement coming from the room the light was coming from. The white light points out of the room, then out comes a figure. The figures outline is on the ground, the silhouette looks like it's trying to be stealthy.

The figure shrieks and yells, ¨DON'T SHOOT PLEASE!! DON'T SHOOT!!!¨ Libby yells, ¨SHOW YOURSELF!¨ The figure comes out with their hands in the air. One hand holding the flashlight, the other free. ¨PLEASE DON'T SHOOT!¨ Libby gets up still pointing her gun at the person. She motions for Ryan and Taylor to get up too. They get up and follow Libby towards the person. Libby gets two feet away from the person and says, ¨Who are you and what are you doing here?¨ The person mumbles, ¨My name is Katie, I was looking for food. Please don't hurt me.¨ Ryan says, ¨What is your last name Katie?¨ Taylor glances at Ryan then back at Katie. Katie says, ¨My name is Kaitlyn Brunner. But I go by Katie.¨ Taylor says, ¨Have you seen a man with a machete?¨ Katie says, ¨No, please don't hurt me.¨ Libby puts her gun down, Ryan and Taylor do too. Libby says, ¨So you were looking for food?¨ Katie skittishly replies, ¨Yes.¨

Ryan strongly asks, ¨Do you have any weapons on you?¨ Katie pulls out a toothpick, ¨I got this... if it counts as a weapon. ¨ Taylor laughs and says, ¨Whoa guys, back up she's got a toothpick!¨ Everyone laughs then Katie asks, ¨Can I stay with you guys?¨ Libby says, ¨Yeah, and I got food in my bag.¨ Taylor unzips Libby's bag and pulls out a jello packet and hands it to Katie. Katie devoured it and then Ryan pulls a handgun out of his bag and starts to hand it to Katie when they were interrupted by a thud. Libby whispers, ¨You have any buddies Katie?¨ Katie says, ¨No, not that I know of.¨ And grabs the handgun from Ryan. They all stay alert and ready. Libby motioned her group to go over to a room. Libby walks in and looks around. They heard the thud again, Taylor jumps. They all huddle in the room, searching it, when all of a sudden the door they came in slams, they all knew that they were not alone.

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