He's Behind You...

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Chapter 3

When she awakens the next morning, no one was in her room. She was hungry so she called the nurse to get her some food. After about 5 minutes the nurse still didn't come in her room. Libby decides to get the nurse herself, she walks into what should be a crowded hallway, no one was in it. She gets a little concerned. She starts walking very slowly down the hallway. Looking into every room, no one was in their room. No one was there period. Libby whispers, ¨Hello?¨ Of course no one responds, she didn't expect anyone to. She steps on something, it cracks, she lifts up her foot very carefully and she looks at the object she stepped on, a broken needle lies below her levitating foot. She moves the biggest piece of glass. There was a liquid in it, she doesn't know what was in it. She looks up and down the hall, still vacant. She decides to go down to the cafeteria.

As she walks to the cafeteria, she stays alert and is looking for someone. She sticks her head out of a hallway to see if anyone is in it every turn. She makes it to the cafeteria, no lunch ladies, staff members, no one. She finds a phone, she punches in her mother's phone numbers, ¨This phone number is currently unavailable, please try again later.¨ She hangs up. She looks around for anything out of the ordinary. She don't really find anything different or that's not supposed to be there. She starts walking down the hall. A room comes to her attention. She walks in it very slowly. The only sound is the low hum of the generator in the other room. She scans the room with her scared blue eyes thinking, ¨Table, chair, closet, dres-.... Closet!¨

She goes over to the closet, she starts to reach for the handle, she stops about halfway and millions of thoughts of what could be behind this door, both good and bad. She puts her hand on the hard, cold, silver handle. She takes a big deep breathe, and slowly opens the door, she never would have thought of what she saw behind that door. Almost all the staff members curled up in a ball, some of them splattered with blood, some dead. They were crying, one of them pointed to something behind Libby, the person's hand was shaking, so was her voice when she said,¨ He's behind you.¨

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