The Waking

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Chapter 2

The ride to the hospital was very bumpy and the girl's jaw kept falling off the stretcher. As they reached the hospital they quickly got the girl to a room. They stuck needles in her and injected her with fluids. They get her into surgery as fast as possible. The doctors stitch the girls face back together. No one knowing how it happened. Days later as the girl woke up from having her surgery the doctors immediately yelled, ¨SHE'S AWAKE!!¨ Ten other doctors and surgeons run into the little hospital room that the girl was in. They asked her repeatedly how it happened and if she was okay. She mutters, ¨It was him.¨ Then she passed out.

Soon everyone left. They told her mom if she woke up to just yell in the hallway that she was awake. Her mother agrees and starts crying even more. As the days go on, her daughter still hasn't woken up. Her mother decides to take a nap. She dreams that her daughter died. Her mom wakes up screaming and sweating really badly. Her daughter still asleep. The doctors told her to go home and get some rest. As her mother goes home for the first time since the incident. She starts pulling in her driveway, to see her daughter's blood stained the cement. Her mother goes to work and after goes straight to the hospital.

As she walks in the double door of the hospital, everything goes quiet and all the staff members look at her. She starts getting concerned. She walks to the elevator and gets in, it slowly drags her up to her daughters floor. She steps onto the floor, all the doctors look at her. They mumble, "We found out what happened." her mother excitedly says, "What happened? Is she awake?!" the doctors say, "She can tell you for herself." Her mother runs into the room with her daughter lying in the white hospital bed. She has stitching from both corners of her mouth to right below her ear. Another strand of stitching traveling from her bottom lip to the crease of her neck. "Hey honey!" she says as she puts her purse and her keys down on the table to walk over to her daughter to join her in conversation. "Hey mommy, I love you" her daughter mutters. Her mother leans in and kisses her daughter on the forehead and hugs her tightly.

After the hug is over her mother asked how it happened. Her daughter says, "Remember Jason, my boyfriend? Turns out he never wanted to be in the relationship to begin with. He says that he wanted to dump me a long time ago. He also said that he just went along with the relationship and he just wanted me dead." Her mother says astonishingly, "Oh my goodness honey, I'm so sorry." Her daughter continues saying her story, "So I yelled at him something along the lines of 'if he never wanted me to be in a relationship with then why did he ever say yes' or something like that. And he grabbed dad's hammer and started beating me with it." Her mother started sobbing quietly. Suddenly the police come in. " Howdy ma'am. I was wondering if we could talk to your daughter to see what happened." her mother gets up and moves and says 'go ahead.' Her daughter tells the police everything that she knows from her perspective. They thank her for telling them everything. They leave the room. Mother and daughter start talking again, until her father starts to call. "I heard about Libby! Is she alright?" her mother says, "Yes, she is okay. You don't need to come up okay." her father says, "Can I talk to her?" Her mother has a moment of quiet and looks at her daughter. Libby shakes her head no and her mother continues on the phone, "She's busy right now. I have to go." Her father hangs up in rage.

Libby and her mother have about 5 minutes of complete silence, then the hospital workers come in with a tray full of food. "Here's your lunch Mrs. Lockerson." she puts the tray on Libby's little pop up table. Libby mother grabs her purse and her keys off of it so that Libby could have more space for her lunch. Libby looks at the hard grey tray. Sandwich with ham and American cheese with mayo and lettuce. With a side of fruit cocktail and an orange juice. Salad on the side with tomatoes, ranch, onion, and croutons. Libby grabs the ranch and pours it on her salad. She mixes it up and takes a bite. This is the first solid food she's had since the accident happened. She puts down the fork and reaches for the sandwich. Her mother says she was going to use the restroom. By the time she came back, Libby's whole tray was devoured. Libby and her mother talked for awhile and soon, Libby's mother had to go. As they said goodbye the doctor tells Libby it's time for bed. So Libby turns off her little lamp and goes to sleep in her really uncomfortable hospital bed. 

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