The Bleeding

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Chapter 1

The blood streamed out of her mouth. She was starting to cry. She has never been in this situation before. Never before had she ever been hit in the mouth with a hammer. She spits, out goes one tooth. She is laying on her hands and knees with a tremendous waterfall of blood streaming out of her mouth. The torrent of dark rubicund blood comes storming out with each and every gag she does. Every little drop that comes pouring out of her mouth she watches at it splatters and with every drop, she feels weaker and weaker.

Before the impact hit her fragile little face she was screaming at her ex boyfriend. ¨IF YOU DON'T WANT ME THEN WHY DID YOU DATE ME IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU FAKE ASS PIECE OF TRASH?!?!?!?!¨ Throughout their whole 9 month relationship, he was faking it. He didn't want to be in that relationship. He just went along with what she wanted. They would make out twenty-four seven. They had a very sexual and intimidating relationship. People called them relationship goals. And now she is down on her hands and knees with blood spewing from her mouth.

He swings the hammer over his head and with a big strong !Swoosh! He hit the side of her mouth and ripped her cheek in half. The skin hung there seeping blood from her face, she is in excruciating pain and she screams as he puts the hammer down. So many thoughts race through her head, ¨Is he done? Am I still alive? Will I die? Is he gone?¨ He grabs her dangling cheek from her head, he rips it and her jaw comes off with it. You can hear all the little face muscles ripping violently and rapidly. The little crunch of her jaw being broken. Her jaw is now hanging vertically from her face. Still spilling blood, she lets out a heartbreaking scream. ¨AAAHHHHH¨ It was covered up with the bubbles of blood, like she was gargling her own blood and spit. She's now on her back. She is drowning in her blood. The boyfriend grabbed the hammer one last time and hit the rest of her hanging jaw to where it fell off completely. Her face now jawless, mouthless, and toothless. She is weak from losing so much blood. The ex boyfriend fled at that. He got in his car and screeching of tires filled the air along with a black puffy cloud of smoke.

Her mother comes home to see her baby laying with only half a face in the middle of her driveway smothered in her own blood and tears. Her mother immediately calls 911 in hope that her daughter will live. The screaming sirens start heading down her street. Her mother grabs her daughters jaw lying about a foot and a half away from her, she moves it in the direction of her barely alive daughter and the jaw is leaving a trail of blood, finally her mother reaches her face and tries to push it back together. The paramedics pick up her limp body and lifts her up onto the red and yellow stretcher, which now has the girls blood all over it, slowly dripping through to the ground.

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