26- Things We Should Remember

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This is a list of all the things I come across that I missed when I read the books, or stuff that I think I (and possibly others) tend to forget, or don't appreciate as much as we should. Feel free to comment your own moments!

1. Camp Half-Blood is run by an alcoholic and a half-horse, half-man. Why do we not talk about this? It's actually pretty funny!

2. Annabeth held the sky for about 24 hours--much, much longer than Percy did. I mean, he still held the freaking SKY, which is very impressive, but where is my fan art of Annabeth holding the sky? I looked, I found exactly two pictures, and I am left with a deep need. Sorry, I get really upset over this one for some reason.

3. Annabeth, Percy, and Grover were considered terrorists for a lot of The Lightning Thief. I mean, that seems a little extreme, but at the same time, they blew up the St. Louis Arch. I wonder if they have criminal records now, even if they were found innocent at the end?

4. Both Annabeth and Leo ran away from home/foster homes at a very young age. This one is just heartbreaking, honestly. Also Leo blamed himself for his mother's death, and possibly still does, while Annabeth was tormented by spiders that covered her room in webs and bit her many times over when she lived with her father. Cry with me.

5. On multiple occasions, Percy and Annabeth mention having children together. More specifically, in Son of Neptune, House of Hades, and Crown of Ptolemy. I have a rant about this topic, but this isn't the chapter for it. Comment if you'd like me to post it sometime!

6. Will Solace sings Greek hymns to his father to heal people. Also, his healing powers drain him of energy. Another connection to Nico! Found this one in The Last Olympian.

7. Percy's glare scares both Leo and Piper. I don't know if it scares anyone else, but I imagine it would.

8. Grover's empathy link with Percy hasn't been dissolved. Don the Faun could smell it on him, which means that Grover knew when Percy was going through Tartarus (maybe not in perfect detail, but he would have felt something.) This hurts me.

9. Artemis cried when Zoe Nightshade died. Enough said, really. Also, I'm sorry I couldn't put the dots over Zoe's name, I dunno how to do that. 

10. Annabeth calls Chiron "Captain Sunshine" in The Lost Hero. I think. It may not be the right book, but she definitely calls him that. I have pictures.

11. Percy gave Coach Hedge letters to give to his mom in Blood of Olympus. I need them. Need to read them and probably cry over them.

Anything I missed? Comment and let me know! Sorry that I can't give art credit, I don't know who drew this picture of Annabeth. It's really good!


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