Marinette-Chapter 19

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Marinette dropped Chat's ring as though it had burned her, letting it fall in the snow at her feet.

"A-Adrien?!" she gasped, her lungs suddenly feeling like all the air had been sucked out of them. It couldn't be...

Marinette let out a cry, her hands flying to her mouth. The pieces started falling into place as the realization of Adrien's secret hit her. All this time, all the countless hours they had spent together...and she had never known the truth.

Shock kept Marinette rooted to the spot for several more seconds as though she had been suddenly paralyzed. It was as though her brain couldn't catch up to what had happened...

A moan from Adrien brought her back to reality and she crouched next to him.

"No, no, no, no. Adrien, please, please be alright."

She couldn't breathe from fear but she mechanically pulled Adrien's limp form onto her shoulders, her knees threatening to buckle under his weight. She would never get far this way, but she had to try for Adrien's sake.

Using her yo-yo, she managed to construct a pulley system that she could use to lower them both to the ground level. The moment her feet touched the ground, they collapsed under her.

"Someone help!" she nearly sobbed. "He's dying! We need to get him to a hospital right away!"

Marinette had never felt so helpless in her life. Being Ladybug had always given her confidence, but right now she was completely helpless to save Adrien. Sirens wailed in the distance and a few moments later an ambulance arrived. She could only watch anxiously as paramedics swarmed around Adrien's limp form, cutting the shirt off his torso and applying monitors. She wanted to cry as they pushed a breathing tube down his throat, but somehow her tears wouldn't come. She felt numb. She could only stare as the paramedics worked feverishly over Adrien. They had to restart his heart twice, and each time felt like a blow to her own heart. Adrien was dying...

"This isn't going to work," she whispered to herself, clinging to the only idea she had left. Pulling out her yo-yo, she swung herself upward and ran along the rooftops. Snow was starting to fall thick and fast around her, and she prayed she could find what she was looking for.

Darting around chimneys and swinging herself across streets, she, at last, caught sight of the familiar outline of Master Fu's apartment building. She swung herself down and frantically pounded on the door.

"Come on..." she muttered, rubbing her arms against the cold for a brief moment before hammering harder on the door. "Come on!"

Master Fu opened the door, a look of concern crossing his face. "What has happened?"

"It's Adrien," Marinette's tears finally began to fall, creating streaks down her face. "Hawk Moth used some kind of akuma power on him and he's dying. You have to help him. There has to be a way."

Master Fu looked grave as he opened the door wider to let her in. "Let me get my things."

Marinette nodded, staring blindly through her tears at the wall. She couldn't bear to lose both Chat Noir and Adrien, it would crush her completely. Sobbing, she cowered down by the window and wished, for the first time in her life, that she could die too. She couldn't go on if he didn't survive, she just couldn't!

"Let's go," Master Fu muttered, pulling on his coat. "We must be quick."

For the first time in her life, Marinette saw Master Fu transform into his Miraculous form. His suit was green with webs between his fingers and a hard shell covering his back and torso. As soon as he transformed, they charged out into the night, clambering over rooftops toward the hospital. Marinette was impressed with the speed and agility Master Fu possessed. For such an old man, he was hard to keep up with.

"Where is Adrien Agreste?" Marinette gasped when they entered the hospital. "We may be the only ones who can help him."

A nurse gestured to a set of doors on her right that led to the ICU.

"I don't know what you think you can do," she said grimly. "Doctors are expecting him to die at any moment."

"Thank you!" Marinette cried, dragging Master Fu behind her through the doors. She raced past room after room until she found Adrien lying in a dimly lit room, his face gray against the white sheets. Nathalie and Adrien's bodyguard stood nearby but Mr. Agreste was nowhere to be seen.

"Clear the room," Master Fu ordered, going about his work as though he owned the place. "I need to see to the patient without interference."

Nathalie nodded deferentially. "We'll wait outside."

Master Fu set to work, waving what looked like a white crystal over Adrien's body.

"Is he going to be okay?"

"Silence please," Master Fu cut her off before she could ask more questions.

"Reading energies."

He picked up his gong and rang it over Adrien, waiting a moment before shaking his head.

"This is not good," he said grimly. "I can treat him, but I don't know how long I can stop him from dying."

Marinette's heart sank like a stone. She couldn't survive losing Adrien. She couldn't! He was her partner, her best friend, the man she had loved since they had met. The thought of him dying made her feel as though she had been gutted.

"There has to be a way," she murmured, pacing back and forth. She was Ladybug for crying out loud, she had never let anything stop her before. Suddenly, an idea burst in on her like a bolt of lighting. She was Ladybug! Ladybug had the power of creation and good luck. What if she had the power to heal Adrien?

"Lucky Charm!" she cried, flinging her yo-yo high into the air. Energy shot out from it and it spun around until it formed a small red and black polka dot vial full of liquid. Quickly making her way over to Adrien's side, she hooked it into his IV line, letting the pinkish liquid seep into his bloodstream. As she watched, his heartbeat became more regular, his color just a little bit better.

"Good work, Ladybug," Master Fu said approvingly as Marinette's earrings lost their dots. "I will be back in the morning. In the meantime, why don't you stay with him? He could use a friendly face when he wakes up."

Marinette nodded as she tossed the vial into the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!"

Energy burst from the spot where her vial had been, fanning out over Paris as Marinette transformed back into herself.

"Do you think that will take care of the akumatized people?" she asked tiredly. Master Fu shrugged.

"Only time will tell. Don't worry—stay here with Adrien tonight. Trouble is coming, but we'll meet it when it arrives."

Marinette nodded, feeding Tikki a cracker from her purse. "Thank you, Master Fu."

He nodded, stepping toward the door. In the threshold, he paused. "I always said you two were made for each other."

Marinette stared at Adrien, her eyes welling with tears as Master Fu vanished. She had been so stupid, so incredibly blind. She took Adrien's hand, willing him to live.

"Please," she whispered, kissing his cold fingers tenderly. "Please come back to me."

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