Adrien-Chapter 10

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Adrien might have been good at Ultimate Mecha Strike III, but Marinette was smoking him! He couldn't believe it! After all this time practicing, she was still better than him. How?!

His expression became more and more concentrated by the minute as he fought against Marinette, but after delivering a death blow with an expertly aimed kick to his head, his character fell over defeated. All he could do was stare at the screen disbelievingly. Marinette beat him. He couldn't believe it!

"Don't tell me you were going easy on me," Adrien joked as the game returned to the home screen for them to pick their characters.

"Maybe a little," she laughed. "Told you that you would meet your doom."

Still, he couldn't believe how good she was at playing this game. "I demand a rematch. You're going down this time, Marinette."

They both laughed but then stopped mid-laugh as Marinette's mom, Sabine, poked her head into the room while carrying a plate of delicious looking cheese pastries. "Anyone in the mood for gougères?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"Cheese!" a small, excited voice came from just inside his backpack, nearly making Adrien have a heart attack.

Marinette's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "What was that?"

"Uh... My stomach growling!" Adrien cried, patting his stomach while grimacing. "I haven't eaten all day."

She giggled and looked at him pointedly. "You ate half the plate of cookies, Adrien."

"I'm a growing man?"

Before she could respond to his comment, he grabbed his backpack and rushed toward the door, but not before stealing a few of the gougères off the plate. "Be right back! Gonna hit the restroom and I'll be back in a jiffy."

Adrien hurried down the hallway and when he shut the bathroom door behind him, only then did he allow himself to sigh in relief. That could have been messy.

Opening his backpack, he glared down at Plagg. "You need to be more careful, Plagg!" he hissed. "Marinette heard you. What would she think if she actually saw you?" Still, he handed the kwami the gougères and he devoured them hungrily as if he hadn't eaten in days, perhaps even weeks.

"So? What's the big deal?" Plagg said as he munched happily on the cheese pastries.

"The big deal is that I'm supposed to keep my identity a secret. If word got out that I'm Chat Noir, my normal life will never be normal again. I'll be Chat Noir full time no matter where I go. Besides, I don't want Marinette to find out. What if she told Alya? My identity would be leaked."

"Trust me," Plagg said as he savored his last bite. "Marinette wouldn't tell anyone."

Adrien shook his head at the thought of Marinette's reaction if she found out. It probably wouldn't be good. "You don't know that. Anyway, I'm about to go back upstairs. Not another peep from you, alright?"

Plagg groaned and sulked in the dark corner of Adrien's backpack. "Fine. But I expect another gougère before you eat them all."

He grinned as he swung his backpack over his shoulder once more and headed back to Marinette's room. One problem taken care of and one more to figure out. He had to beat Marinette at least once.

As he entered the room, the sight of her caused his stomach to get akumatized all over again. There was just something about her. Something so familiar...

Careful not to disturb Plagg, Adrien pulled his camera out of his backpack and began filming Marinette who suddenly looked shy all over again. "Alright, you won this round, Mari. Are you ready to get your butt whooped on this second round?"

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