Marinette-Chapter 15

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Standing in front of her mirror, Marinette surveyed her gown critically. Would it be good enough for the selection committee? She had been extra careful to make everything perfect. But would they like it?

"Wow, Marinette!" Tikki piped up. "That dress is amazing! You're going to blow the committee away."

Beaming with pride, Marinette smiled at her kwami. "Thanks, Tikki. I guess I should call Adrien so we can do a photoshoot."

Sitting down at her desk, she picked up her phone. But she hesitated, her thumb hovering over the screen. Her stomach fluttered wildly as the memories of the time they had spent together a few nights ago flickered through her mind. Adrien had kissed her! Granted, it had only been her hand, but he had kissed it! It had felt so wonderful to hold his hand. Her fingers tingled and warmed at the memory.

And yet...

Marinette pursed her lips as she glanced at her phone. Adrien had seemed so sad the other day. She wished she knew what was going on with him so she could help. Her own heart thrilled every time she remembered his lips brushing across her knuckles, but even that moment hadn't quite banished the sadness from his eyes. Was he upset about his breakup with Alyssa? That didn't seem likely—he hadn't seemed sad about breaking up with her at all. An uncomfortable feeling nagged at her chest. Did he not want anything more than friendship with her? She had been the one who moved away—did he think whatever they could have would only be temporary and she would leave again?

"Why are you hesitating?" Tikki asked gingerly. "You've been so happy for the last few days. What's wrong?"

"I don't know," Marinette groaned, trying to dismiss the worries that had snagged in her mind. She didn't know what to think. And if she was honest with herself, every time she pictured Adrien's kiss, Chat Noir kissing her cheek flashed through her mind. It had been so unexpected and...wonderful. She had never thought she would enjoy being kissed by Chat, which made her all the more uncomfortable with it.

Tikki zoomed over to Marinette and settled herself on top of her head. "Marinette, you're worrying too much. He offered to help, and you like him. Listen to your heart and everything will turn out how it's supposed to."

"You're right," Marinette nodded, picking up her phone. She would see where things would go with Adrien. And next time she saw Chat, she'd apologize and tell him the truth about why she had gotten angry with him. He deserved that much and Marinette wanted to patch things up with him.

Pressing the button, she dialed Adrien's number, breathing a sigh of relief when she heard a smile in Adrien's voice.

"Hey, Mari. What's going on?"

Trying to suppress her own idiotic grin, Marinette said, "I finished my dress. Are you still up for that photoshoot? I have to get it submitted for consideration by Wednesday."

"Sure," Adrien agreed readily. "How about coming over to my dad's house? He has a studio we can use for a little while. How about tomorrow morning?"

"Perfect," Marinette replied. "See you then."

She expected that the conversation would end at that point, but to her surprise, Adrien kept talking.

"I've been practicing up, I think I can beat you at Ultimate Mecha Strike III now."

Marinette giggled. "Oh you do, do you? Well, we need to have a rematch."

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