Marinette-Chapter 11

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Marinette felt as though she walked a tightrope between hope and nervousness after the date with Adrien. The afternoon had been wonderful, almost too wonderful. Did she dare hope that there could be something more between them?

She watched him leave through the slush-streaked window, smiling as she replayed their tickle fight in her head. For a brief moment, his bright green eyes had held an emotion much stronger than friendship as he gazed down at her. The memory made Marinette's insides squirm pleasantly.

"Oh, Tikki," she sighed, spinning on her toes away from the window, nearly tripping over her kwami and falling onto her bed. "That was wonderful!"

Tikki smiled, resting on Marinette's outstretched hand. "You two certainly seemed to be having fun. What are you going to do next?"

Marinette frowned, she hadn't considered her next move. Truth be told, she still felt a little bit dazed from this afternoon.

"I don't know, Tikki," she floundered. "What if I try and Adrien doesn't really like me at all?"

Tikki let out an exasperated sigh, rolling her eyes. Marinette's kwami rarely got out of patience with her, but Tikki always had her best interest at heart.

"Marinette, if you truly want something, you have to try and make it work. It's better to fail trying than not having tried at all," she scolded. "How's Adrien suppose to be the love of your life if you don't go for it?"

Marinette nodded, setting Tikki on her shoulder as she stood up. "You're right, Tikki. I'll never know if I don't try. It's time for me to be brave."

"Atta girl," Tikki smiled, giving Marinette's cheek an affectionate little squeeze. "Good for you."

Marinette grinned. She'd never know what could happen between her and Adrien unless she tried. And now that Alyssa wasn't dating him anymore, she just might have a shot.


Two days later, the buzzing of Marinette's phone woke her early in the morning. She glanced groggily at it, smiling when she recognized Alya's number.

"What's up?" she greeted her best friend, sliding her feet down to the floor and stretching.

"Well, the last post on the Ladyblog was a big success," Alya's voice sounded ecstatic, making Marinette cringe. "A lot of people are really excited about them being a couple."

"They aren't a couple," Marinette snapped indignantly before she could stop herself. Then, quickly trying to cover her mistake, said, "Ladybug and I are friends, remember? She would have told me."

"Maayyybe," Alya said reluctantly. "But he still kissed her, everyone saw it! That has to mean something."

Marinette flushed, remembering the kiss all too clearly. His lips had been so gentle and tender against her skin. Her heart started beating more quickly at the memory, butterflies flitting around in her stomach. She shook the thought away. Chat's silly flirting didn't mean anything to her. Did it?

"Anyway," Alya continued, changing the subject. "The reason I called is that I want you to come help me pick out shoes to go with my dress. I have the color swatches. Hopefully, we can find something."

Nodding, Marinette glanced up at her reflection in a mirror to see the tangled rat's nest of her hair.

"Sure," she agreed. "Give me about an hour to get ready?"

"I'll pick you up at ten," Alya replied. "The mall won't be crowded and we'll have all day."

Marinette suppressed a groan at the thought of spending all day shopping. "Okay, but you have to bribe me with food if we're going to be there all day."

"Consider it done," Alya laughed and they ended the call. Marinette ran a hand groggily over her face and glanced out the window. It was snowing lightly, perfect weather for staying inside and finishing her dress. The dressmaker's dummy near her desk caught her eye and she sighed. The dress was coming along exactly how she had envisioned it, with the fluttering red fabric gliding gracefully along the floor. She would be done with it in a few days and her heart skipped a beat as she imagined modeling it for Adrien. Sighing, she dragged herself out of bed. The dress could wait another day.

She took a quick shower and applied a little makeup. Her hair curled lightly down around her shoulders as she put on a coat and scarf that she had made herself in her design class last fall. The royal blue brought out her eyes spectacularly and she always felt pretty wearing it.

When Alya arrived, she said hello to Marinette's parents before the two girls walked the few blocks to the mall.

"Girl, you're going to be the hit of the fashion industry once you get going," Alya commented, surveying Marinette's outfit. "Everything you make is beautiful. You see the world through such artistic eyes."

Marinette beamed at her best friend's praise. "Thanks, Alya."

"I'm serious!" Alya grinned. "And I'll be able to say that I knew you before you were famous."

"I hope you still want to say that after I design your bridesmaid dresses," Marinette teased.

They giggled together, entering the mall with a flurry of snow. But when they stepped inside, they found the mall eerily still and quiet. Marinette froze, all of her instincts going into overdrive.

"Marinette," Alya whispered uneasily. "What's going...?"

Her question was cut off by an earsplitting roar from the other side of the mall. Marinette tensed, wondering what she was going to come up against this time.

"Alya, hide!" she ordered her friend who obeyed and slipped into a nearby shop. Ducking into an empty corridor, Marinette transformed.

"Tikki, spots on!" she cried. "Let's go!"

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