Adrien-Chapter 4

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            It felt as if he floated inside his own dream world. Here he was mourning over the loss of Ladybug, and suddenly she showed up out of thin air. All he wanted to do was tackle her and shower her in kisses, but he needed to keep his cool—after all, he didn't want to end of scaring her away on their first night back together.

He sighed happily as they leaped from rooftop to rooftop just like they did years past, and when they had to make one particularly large leap, Adrien extended his rod and held Ladybug as he used the rod to launch them across the gap. It came second nature to him and he could probably even navigate this city with his eyes closed.

Adrien grinned and stopped suddenly as he turned to face Ladybug. Immediately, he became wrapped up in her big blue eyes. Those were the same eyes that he had fallen head over heels for years ago, and even now, nothing had changed.

"Close your eyes," Adrien instructed and as always, Ladybug stared back at him dubiously.

"If you're suggesting it, it's a bad idea."

"I'm serious, m'lady. I promise you won't regret it." He picked up her hand and kissed her polka dot fingers, but immediately she pulled her hand away and pushed him away with a delicate finger to his nose.

Snubbed again. That hadn't changed, either.

"Chat Noir, when are you going to learn?"

"Persistence killed the cat, right?"

Ladybug laughed, the sadness that had previously been her eyes looking to be forgotten. "If that doesn't, then your curiosity sure will. Fine, I'll close my eyes, but if you even try to kiss me again, you'll get a slap across the face."

Adrien chuckled and picked Ladybug up in his arms as she closed her eyes. "Last time I tried, I landed in a pool. I don't want to do that again." His expression fell now that he knew that Ladybug couldn't see it. He wanted so desperately for her to return his feelings, but there seemed to be no chance of that. Perhaps it was a good thing that he was seeing someone now. Ladybug would always be his best friend, but she could never be anything more than that because she would never give him a chance.

Before he could dwell on that thought for long, he leaped into the air and felt Ladybug stiffen against his chest. Still, she trusted him enough to not open her eyes as they flew across the city until finally they landed on the hub and spindle of the Big Wheel at Place de las Concorde. The whole city looked to be lit up and sparkling, perhaps even brighter than the stars that twinkled in the sky. Down below, the locals celebrated with carnival festivities and fireworks that welcomed the much anticipated winter holidays.

"You can open your eyes now," Adrien said with a giant grin on his face. "But careful not to lose your balance."

Ladybug opened her eyes and gasped, her eyes traveling up the spokes of the moving ferris wheel. "Wow! It's beautiful up here!"

"Mommy, look! It's Chat Noir and Ladybug!" a little voice said as it made its turn around the wheel, but the voice quickly disappeared and the two of them found themselves mostly alone.

"Happy that you trusted me?" Adrien teased as he moved over to make room for Ladybug. He really liked that she wasn't afraid of heights.

"I admit that you're semi-trustworthy. Though after the mudcrab incident, I'm not sure how much I can trust you at all."

His eyebrows rose higher than the Eiffel Tower itself. "Still holding that over me, eh? I didn't realize that fisherman had been akumatized. All I wanted was to show you some cool crabs."

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