Chapter 3

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​"Alright Larry...sounds good. Yea I will...okay, see ya then." I sighed heavily with relief after hanging up with our old manager, he had FINALLY found us another opening act after months of debating with the guys over who we should ask. We already had ADTR slotted to play before us which left the first act open and we had long ago decided to give a band that was just starting out the chance to have a spot in the lime light. I sent out a quick group text to the guys, telling them to come to my house so we could wrap up the details of the tour before I went in search of my fiancé, Mallory so I could warn her the guys were coming over. Mallory wasn't too fond of the guys for some reason, well mostly Brian and Johnny...she blamed it on their drinking and as much as I loved the guys I could kind of see her point. Especially after Jimmy died, we all went down the shitter when he passed but those two seemed to keep on with their wild ways and it was up to me to step up and be the ring leader of the group.

​I found Mallory in the basement gym I set up, doing her best to keep up with whoever was on TV telling her to kick her legs higher. I smiled sadly as I watched her beat herself up with a seemingly impossible work out. Ever since Brian had told her she could stand to lose a few pounds and visit a plastic surgeon she had gone nuts about her appearance. I waited till she was done with her work out before I told her the guys would be here and that we were gonna be going over tour details. Mallory cringed and rolled her eyes, wiping her face down "I don't see why they have to come over here all the time Matty...they have houses too ya know? And Beavis and Butthead always end up depleting our alcohol supply." Inwardly I cringed at her whiny voice and the fact that she still insisted on calling me 'Matty' even though I asked her to stop a million times. "It will be okay Mal, we'll be too busy with tour details for them to get shit faced...I promise." I watched as she gave me a disgusted look and flipped her dark hair over her shoulder. "Don't call me Mal, Matthew. I told you I don't like that" she stated in a disgusted voice as she stopped up the stairs. "Yea well I don't like it when you call me Matty" I muttered, heading upstairs and into living room to wait for the guys to show up.

​Soon enough they arrived, one by one and we all piled into the office. "Where's the ole ball n chain?" Brian teased with contempt on his tongue. There was no love loss between my best friend and my fiancé and I was still struggling with the idea of trying to get them to like each other. "Never mind that" I muttered, rolling my eyes as him and Johnny both helped themselves to a beer while Zack sat brooding in a chair nearby. "So, before we get down to all this other shit I wanted to let you guys know that Larry got those girls for our opening act." I handed Zack the 8x10 Larry had faxed over to me of the duo girl group, Suicidal Butterflies while explaining that they would be with us the entire tour and that Larry threatened us with our lives that we needed to behave ourselves. "He says they're still looking for a drummer but other than that they're good to go."

​I watched as the guys passed the picture around, rolling my eyes when Brian got ahold of it and whistled, his eyes bugging out of his head. "How the fuck am I supposed to behave with this fine piece of ass around me all tour?!" he whined wickedly. "Jesus dude fucking check yourself" I scolded with a smirk, Brian was such a man whore ever since he dumped Tricia...not that I could blame him. She had always had him by the balls and he finally grew sick of her shit and told her to hit the road. I zoned out on the guys talking while I thought how nice that would be, to be a free man again but Mallory would never let me go now that she had me in her grip...all because I fucked up and forgot protection...

​"EARTH TO MATT! COME IN MATT! YO! SHADS!" Johnny yelled at me, a stupid look on his face as I shook my head clear of cobwebs. "Sorry...what did you say short shit?" Brian rolled his eyes and smirked at me, downing his beer before grabbing another one. "Jesus dude where the fuck were you? Did you hear a fucking word any of us were saying" I had to grit my teeth to keep from biting Brian's head off before I answered. "Excuse the fuck out of me, I have a lot on my plate with this damn wedding and the tour...and keeping you cock suckers in line." I felt my irritation grow as Brian and Johnny both laughed, shaking their heads at me. "Good fucking luck" Zack muttered "These two are already talking about which girl they're gonna nail first." "There will be no competition" Brian snickered "They aren't gonna want his funky ass when I'm around. He's bologna and I'm filet mignon." I rolled my eyes at his disgusting, corny joke before telling him to shut the fuck up.

​"We're meeting with the girls tomorrow so you best learn some fucking manners between now and then Gates because if you fuck this up it's on your head...and I'll fucking kick your ass." Brian gave me a look that meant nothing but trouble as he mockingly saluted me with his middle finger. "Aye, aye captain."

​What the fuck was happening with my life anymore?

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