A Surprise

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Lucille's P.O.V.

I pulled Gildarts with me to the bar and I order a Chocolate milkshake from Mira. As she's making my milkshake Wendy comes up to me and asks, "Lucille can I talk to you privately?"

I hear gildarts growl a little bit, but  I just put my hand on his shoulder and say, "I'll be fine don't worry" and I walk with Wendy to the nursery 

She turn around and tells me, "Lucille when we connected I felt two things coming from you since i'm a healing dragon slayer and well.."

I knew one of the things  she was going to tell me, but I don't know what the other thing is. I immediately block lucy from this so she wouldn't hear this.

"Well ummm the first thing I sensed was that Lucy's soul is being healed from you so she can have a complete soul without you being there to help her. Am I right?" She asks

"Yes, I am healing her soul so she won't need me anymore"

"But if you do that you will be expelled from her body and go back to limbo again because a body can only have one soul not two" She tells me with a worry look on her face

"I know that Wendy, and i'm okay with that because it's not my body to keep" I tell her calmly 

"NO! It's not ok Lucille. You will be gone from us! You're basically killing yourself!" She tells me angrily and I could feel that the others are feeling her emotion and can also hear our conversation so I block them. 

"I'm not killing myself i'll just go back to limbo and find another vessel Wendy" 

"But you were stuck there for like a month trying to find one and now that you have one you're willing to abandon it?" She tells me

"Yes, because it's not my body to keep, it's lucy's body and I promised her i'll help her and heal it so that's what i'm doing wendy!" I lost my composure causing me to lose my block from lucy and the others without noticing it when I yelled at wendy. 

"But still what about the rest of us Lucille? What about Gildarts? Aren't we Family? Aren't we nakama?" She says with tears in her eyes

"I know Wendy, but this isn't my body to keep. Lucy should have her body to herself not share it with me plus she's Natsu's mate how are we going to work that out huh?" I say as I start to tear up myself

"I need to do this before Zeref comes after me, Comes after Lucy's body, I can't have him hurt this body or anybody else in this guild because of me. I love you guys and I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me! That's why i'm healing lucy's soul to be complete so I can be expelled to limbo. If i'm in limbo Zeref will never come after me or the guild. All of you guys will be safe. That's all I want. For you guys to be safe because I love you all. You're the family I always wanted ever since zeref killed my parents and I won't let that happen again!" I say with determination in my voice and tears in my eyes

"Well it's not up to you Lucille to make that decision, It's up to us if we want to fight Zeref to protect you" I hear gramps say. I turn around and see the entire guild in the doorway. 

'They heard everything' 

'Don't do this lucille, I don't care if we're sharing my body. Just stay with us, you're family now' Lucy tells me

I say, "Well there's nothing you can do now i'm almost done healing her soul, just a few minutes more and i'll be expelled from this body and i'll be going back to limbo" I tell everybody 

"You can't Lucille, You're pregnant!" Wendy screams

I looked at her shocked and I put my hands to my stomach and I realize I am pregnant. I was too focused on healing Lucy's soul that I didn't feel the life growing in this body

"R-really? She's really pregnant with my baby?" I hear gildarts say astonished

"Yes, I felt it when we bonded. You guys created a life with your love for each other. Lucille are you risking to expell yourself now that you know you're bearing yours and gildarts baby?" She tells me

"I'm not bearing our baby, Lucy's body is bearing it so even if I do leave the baby will stay in this body when i'm gone" I say expressionless trying not to let my emotions show but I know the dragon slayers can feel what i'm feeling.

"BULLSHIT! You do care Lucille stop doing this!" I hear all the dragon slayers say and even Gildarts

I was about to say something when I felt a dark presence coming towards us. I looked at Gildarts and I can tell he can sense it as well as the dragon slayers and I say, "It's too late, he's here" 

I teleport myself outside the guild and I put a barrier up so nothing and no one can come in or out. I see zeref walking towards me with a grin on his face. 

He says, "Long time no see Lucille, It's good to finally see you again"

I can hear my guildmates pounding on the barrier yelling at me, but I ignore them

"I can't say the same myself Zeref " I say with malice in my words

He chuckles and he looks at my body up and down

"You chose a nice vessel Lucille" He says with a perverted grin 

I can hear gildarts growl when he says that 

"Well I won't be in it any longer" I say as I get ready to be expell myself from lucy's body because her soul is healed already

'don't do this lucille' Lucy pleads to me

'Tell the others that i'm sorry and that I love them' I tell her one last time

I look at zeref and grin and scream, "Body Expell Soul!" and I could feel my soul coming out of lucy's body and i'm outside of her body and I can see my ghostly figure. Everybody can see me and they all gasp at me because they can see how I truly look 

I hear zeref chuckle and he says, "Oh you're not going anywhere Lucille, I've waiting too long to just let you go" He then says the spell, "Give This Lost Soul Her Body Back!" and then I can feel myself start to turn and when it was done I was standing on the floor with my original body. I smirk because I can fight him now without worrying about Lucy's body. 

I look at lucy and tell her, "I'm sorry" and I teleport her inside the barrier

I turn and look at zeref and tell him, "Ok Zeref, it's just me and you now, Lets fight" I smirk at the end

"If that's what you want then lets fight" He says as he prepares himself for the fight 

I ready myself too and then wait for him to attack first. 

"Black Orb Of Death!" He yells as he plummets the orb to me. I just smirk and block it. 

"Is that the best you can do?" I taunt him 

He gets a tick mark on his head and he says, "Oh i'm just starting, Queen of the Dragons."


(To be Continued)

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