I Love You

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Lucille's P.O.V.

I was leaning towards guildart's face. I couldn't stop looking at his lips and when I looked into his eyes I saw that he, too, was looking at my lips. He's going to kiss me! This is going to be my first kiss! We were about to kiss when...


I turn around and see "Zeref!" I say as the same time as guildarts

Guildart's P.O.V.

I was leaning towards Lucille's face. I couldn't stop looking at her lips and when I looked into her eyes I saw that she, too, was looking at my lips. We're going to kiss! This will be my first kiss! As we got close to kiss I heard...


I turn around to see "Zeref!" I say as the same time as Lucille

Zeref's P.O.V.

I was walking around the forest when I felt magical power coming from a clearing. As I was walking towards there I heard people talking and when I was standing in the clearing I saw my destined mate Lucille leaning in towards a boy who was also leaning in towards her face.

I growl, 'She betrayed me for Him'

Just when they're lips were about to meet i interrupted them with an, "Ahem"

They turn around and see me, when they do they say, "Zeref!" with so much venom in their voices but I didn't flinch because it felt like nothing. I wasn't scared at all, in fact I was pissed off. 

'Fine then if you chose him over me I will curse you for eternity just like I am and i'll see you come crawling to me to beg me to lift the curse and then you Will be Mine'

Third Person's P.O.V.

Zeref started to emit a dark aura around him so did Lucille and Guildarts 

Guildarts: "What are you doing here Zeref !"

Zeref:"I've come here to claim what is rightfully mine, but I guess She already decided who She wants so i'll simply take her life"

Lucille:"I'll Never  be Yours Zeref  because my heart belongs to Guildarts, I love him"

Guildart's P.O.V.

"What are you doing here Zeref !" I said venomously 

"I've come here to claim what is rightfully mine, but I guess She already decided who She wants so i'll simply taker her life" Zeref said a Matter-Of-Factly

'Is he talking about Lucille?'

"I'll Never be Yours Zeref, because my heart belongs to Guildarts, I love him" Lucille exclaims 

'Sh-she Loves me?'

I see zeref getting angry and getting ready to attack lucille with a spell so I jump in front of her and protect her by using one of my spells to deflect Zeref's spell.

"You will never have Lucille!" I screamed at him 

'I promise you Lucille, I'll never let him have you'

"You have to go through me first if you want Lucille" 

"NO! Guildarts you'll die, please don't" Lucille said with tears running down her face.

I turn my body towards hers and put my hands on her face, she looks up at me with tears in her beautiful blue eyes I smile at her and I tell her, "I will always protect you because I Love You Lucille," I lean in and I kiss her. Her lips are so warm and soft that I don't want to pull away but I have to fight for the person who has captured my heart.

When I pull away I look at her one more time and tell her,"I love you" and then she tells me, "I love you too" then I turn around to face Zeref

"Lets do this" I say with determination in my voice

Lucille's P.O.V.

"What are you doing here Zeref !" Guildarts said with so much venom in his voice

"I've come here to claim what is rightfully mine, but I guess She already decided who She wants so i'll simply taker her life" Zeref said a Matter-Of-Factly

'Who does he think he is to say that he's here to "Claim" me. I'm not just and object, waiting to be owned i'm a human being!'

"I'll Never be Yours Zeref, because my heart belongs to Guildarts, I love him" I Exclaim

I see Zeref getting angry and getting ready to use an attack spell on me. Then I see guildarts jump in front of me and protect me by using one of his spells to deflect Zeref's spell.

"You will never have Lucille, You have to go through me first if you want Lucille!" Guildarts screamed at him

My heart jumps and thats when I realized...

 'He's definitely my mate'

"NO! Guildarts you'll die, please don't" I said with tears running down my face.

He turns his body towards me and puts his hands on my face, I look up at him with tears in my eyes he smiles at me and tells me, "I will always protect you because I Love You Lucille," he leans in and kisses me and I kiss him back with so much love. His lips are so warm and a bit rough but its perfect. Perfect enough for it to be the best first kiss.

When he pulls away he looks at me and says, "I love you" and I look into his eyes and tell him, "I love you too" and he turns around to face Zeref

"Lets do this" he says with determination in his voice


(To Be Continued)


Hey guys i'm sorry it has been a few days but I've been busy with preparing for college stuff and my dads birthday party, but now i'm done and i'm ready to continue on with this story!


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