Chapter 43 - Mine

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If anyone had told Kay a week before that Adrian could make Talia seem like an infant and give Marcus a run for his money; she would have found it hard to believe. As is, there were many facets to the alfa alpha female that very few people got to see.

Without the stylish fancy dresses, exquisite shoes, and skillful makeup that made her look older than she was, Adrian didn't just appear different; she wasn't the same person. Dressed in fatigues and a black sports top with combat boots and her hair in a ponytail, she turned into a warrior with few equals.

Kay lay face down on the floor, trying to catch her breath, sweaty and tired, but her mentor looked like she had just stepped out of the shower. Barely breaking a sweat, in control, and intensely focused.

The skill she had gained in the short time since Marcus and Claudia saved her from Azera amounted to nothing against such knowledge, skill, control, and speed. Nor did it help her ego that Adrian held back, taking things slow and leaving her feeling totally outclassed and as inadequate as she had on the battlefield.

Was this beyond her skill set?

Unlike the motherly version, Adrian's patience had limitations, and she quickly got to her feet.


"Damn it, Kay! Why do you insist on hobbling yourself with boundaries which only exist in your mind?" Adrian snapped as Kay hit the floor again and groaned, looking hurt and defeated.

"This body you are in is not human and never was. Stop thinking like a damned mortal! Stop being afraid of getting hurt or that you will injure me! You cannot damage me, and pain is temporary!" she bit out, and for a second, she heard her father's harsh commands coming from her mouth. Frowning, she did not apologize.

"Stop seeing me as Adrian, your mother, or your friend. I am an enemy! Picture Azera, attack me, and stop playing at this; you can die if you don't get serious and quickly! Instinct won't ensure your survival," she almost shouted, and the impact of her words on the succubus reverberated through her insides.


Had it been instinct more than skill that saved her before? She would not be so lucky twice.

Adrian shoved her hard when she tried to rise, and the succubus surfaced, striking out with all the confusion, pain, fear, and anger living inside her.

Blood exploded from the werewolf's nose and mouth, and before she could regret her actions, Adrian's eyes glinted silver, not yellow, and Kay had to fight for her life.

This was not Adrian, but the wolf. No pity or recognition showed in those eyes, and the fight changed. With adrenaline spiking her veins and her fear genuine, she did not just go through the motions. Her instincts mixed with the knowledge drummed into her head and muscle memory. Despite putting up a good fight, she wasn't winning, but at least she wasn't being schooled like a child.

When she feared the werewolf would take her head off, the silver faded away, the alpha female backed off, and it was as if nothing happened.

Kay's legs gave out, and her mentor was only Adrian again, despite the mirth in her eyes and the tiniest nuance of guilt.

"Mother going all feral on you?" Claudia asked, laughter tainting her voice as she walked up to them, and she had no idea how long the woman watched them. She had been under too much pressure to notice anything else, which was not good.

"She did well."

Adrian's honest satisfaction surprised her when it wasn't her impression of their session.

Captive: HopelessWhere stories live. Discover now