Chapter 14 - Attraction

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No guards were outside the door when she ventured from her bedroom in the morning.

Kay had a restless night. The bond thing might sound nice in romance novels, but it was a nuisance in real life, and her brain struggled to accept her change in circumstance.

She always scoffed at the word yearning, often and casually thrown about in life. In the dark hours of the morning, she learned to fathom the full depth of the word.

Her cousin Doreen would call it hot and bothered, and it was a shameful emotion for her, especially with her vivid imagination.

Doreen always said there was something wrong with Daniella, and after all that she had witnessed and heard in Azera's house, Kay had accepted the fact, finding the things men and women did together disgusting.

Azera screwed like an animal and must have invented kinky.

Kay shuddered, suppressing the images in her head. She doubted that ordinary people were like that. At least, she hoped they weren't, but her dream was different.

Where the images of her and Marcus, entangled and enthralled with each other, originated, she did not know, but he was gentle, patient, and sexy as all hell. It did nothing to ease her discomfort; quite the opposite, and although she understood it was unrealistic, born from her innocence, it kept flashing into her head.

Not to mention she woke up several times having dreamed that she had been returned to her dungeon, and the feeling of the manacle stayed with her in her sleep.

How could she occupy her mind? She once studied to be an art and history major, and it was so Danielle to choose those subjects when both her parents were doctors, and her sister aimed to be one.

Artsy and flighty. Little innocent, vegan, pro-life, anti-this and that, Danielle. No wonder Thane wanted her nowhere near him; her life had been a Disney movie.

Now it was a little less Disney and a lot more Stephen King. She could barely relate to that innocent and now viewed herself as others must have seen her.

Truthfully, she would not have amounted to anything much more than having a pretentious, fancy job at some art gallery while playing at painting. Unlike her mother, she lacked depth and would never have developed any.

Daniella would have met some cookie-cutter guy who was just as perfect and clueless as she was. They would have produced two children and boring lives that satisfied their limited needs, yet never quite reached happiness.

They would have secretly yearned for more and stubbornly clung to the belief that they were satisfied, too afraid to break free of their plastic wrapping and live.

Kay would have preferred not to be yanked from her dream and abused, but she could not go back to her life, leaving her stranded and without purpose.

She figured out what she didn't want and didn't like, but not what she needed and desired, having skipped that developmental step in her life. How long was she Azera's slave?

Kay walked down the hall, and no one stopped her, so she just wandered through the house, liking its feel and textures, the subtle homey feeling beneath the chic design.

She wanted to be more than a sex toy, needing something to fill the gaping void in her chest that would occupy her mind and keep her memories at bay, keeping her fear at bay and preventing her from going insane.

Without hope, she coped with pain, abuse, and the knowledge that she would live no other life, but now that she was free of that path, it ate at her.

There was no going back; she would rather kill herself if there was a way.

Captive: HopelessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon