Chapter 17 - Release

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"After five days, one would think Kay would run out of anger at some point," Talia murmured, leaning with her shoulder against a padded column, watching Kay beat the life out of yet another punching bag as Cat came to a standstill beside her.

The things were mostly vampire-proof, but Kay killed three since making her way down to the gym after two days of locking herself in her room.

Denise's had the bright idea to direct Kay's silent, volatile anger in a harmless direction, hoping it would expend some of her boiling frustration and resentment. Instead, it became her single-minded purpose. She came at dawn and left only when her body refused to obey her any further.

Kay did not mindlessly punch the bag, either. What little instruction Denise had given her had sunk in deep, and even though the succubus seemed to ignore everybody else, she was not unaware of them, just not in the mood for company. She watched and learned as people came and went, her technique changing, evolving, and streamlining itself.

The succubus' transformation fascinated Talia. Never had she met anybody who could learn like that, and she had taught many people. Not even Marcus, a prodigy, had this much natural talent or ability to absorb knowledge.

"That does not look like someone who first started kickboxing and mixed martial arts a week ago," Cat admitted, watching the fluidity and the efficiency with which Kay struck that bag with precision, purpose, and intent. "and I'm glad I'm not whoever that sack represents to her." Her slight disdain for the seedling no longer colored her tone.

"Doubt if it is just one person. Kay's mad at whoever was responsible for her mother's seeding, changing her, and bringing her into this life before dumping her on Azera's tender mercies. What would you wager that her father and sister feature heavily on that list?" Talia reasoned, and a Cat's frown turned to a scowl.

"If I were her, I'd be pissed too," she admitted with dark emotions clouding her eyes, feelings Talia recognized and understood—their past was not pretty either.


"Perhaps it's time we redirected that anger somewhere more useful," Marcus's voice startled them both. He almost smirked, aware that he was the only person who could sneak up on them and that they still found it disconcerting, even after so many years.

Passing them with his eyes trained on Kay with predatory awareness, he agreed with Cat. Kay did not look like a newbie.

How much had she learned?

He took in her sweat-soaked clothes, clammy skin, blazing eyes, and purity of focus.

The succubus had become aware of him when he stepped into the lighted area from the dark part of the gym, but she did not falter or stop.

"Why don't we determine where you're at, my little succubus?" He kept his voice gentle and pleasant, but she watched him warily as she caught the punching bag, her breathing slightly labored and dark circles lining her eyes.

The way she filled those gym clothes and even the flowing ponytail appealed to his vampire.


"Come, let's find out what you've got." Marcus motioned her closer with his hands taped as hers were, warning her that it was not a spur-of-the-moment decision.

Something about the way he moved reminded her of Talia, but he was more predatory. Kay suspected he was the type of fighter who never met the word defeat and would die at the hands of a far superior enemy the day he did.

Trepidation filled her as she obeyed him and made her way to the black fighting mats. He started circling her, and she followed him with her eyes.

Only instinct prevented her from taking a punch in the gut when he attacked. He nicked her jaw, and even that light tap hurt.

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