Battle Cry

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We've been driving around the desert for a few hours, trying to solve the riddle Jetfire left us.

"Okay, here's what my CIA contact says." I look at Simmons from the back seat. "Ancient Sumerians used to call the Gulf of Aqaba the 'Dagger's Tip'. "

"That's the Dagger's Tip." Sam says making hand gestures.

"It's part of the Red Sea. It divides Egypt and Jordan like the tip of a blade. 29.5 degrees north, 35 east. Here it is." Simmons then shows us on his GPS. I stare at the picture for a while before looking out the back window.

"First thing we've got to do is get Optimus to the Dagger's Tip."

"How are you gonna get him halfway around the world?" Leo asks.

"We're gonna make a call." I say looking at Sam through the rear view mirror. He nods before looking outside as a siren is heard.

"We got cops!"

"Yeah no shit. Can you do weather next?" I tell him in sarcasm. Bee then makes a sharp turn to avoid the cops and starts to drive into a town.

"I can't go to prison, guys." Leo says sticking is face behind the seat to look out the window. Bee then drives through the streets, trying to loose the cops with the buildings.

"Sam, we gt to get off this road and lay low." Simmons tells Sam. Sam nods and starts to place his hands on the wheel, taking over and speeding up more. Some of the cops crash into the fruit stands making them loose some speed.

"Turn there!" I tell Sam as he makes a sharp left leaving a trail of dust behind us. We then drive into an alley way with two buildings on both sides.

"It's a dead end!" Leo says.

"Everyone get out! Don't question just do it." We all get out of Bee, looking for a place to hide. I quickly run over to a cloths line taking some of the clothes and giving some to everyone.

"Guys, transform and start climbing." I tell the bots as I place the fabric over my head and mouth, finding a place to hide. Not long after do the cops pass by our hiding spot without even slowing down. I look up at the building seeing Bee and Mudflap holding on. Skids looses his grip making Bee grab his foot so he wont fall.

"Stupid cops." Mudflap says.

"This is what's called blending in like a ninja." Skids says hitting the wall as he swings back and forth.

"Shut up or I'll blend my fist in your face." Mudflap tells his brother in a whisper. I look back at the alley making sure the coast is clear.

"They're gone." Mikeala says as she uncovers her face. I take off the clothes and place them on the ground before jumping over the ledge to were Sam, Simmons and Leo are.

"Quick thinking. Nice one kid." I look at Simmons and shrug.

"Not the first time I've escaped from the authorities." I look over at Sam. "We're running out of time." He nods and walks away looking for some sort of phone.

"We gotta call Lennox..." Sam says looking at as for a brief moment.

"You're on the Worldwide Wanted List." Simmons looks at Sam. "Try calling one base, they'll track you here in seconds. CIA is all over this place!" I cross my arms and walk up to him.

"Then you make the call." Simmons looks at me for a moment before looking around then back at me with a sarcastic smile.

"Okay. That's a good idea. I mean, I just had my mind on other things, like ending up in an Egyptian prison." I walk past him towards a payphone that's across the alley were in. I put in whatever change I have and punch in the bases number, handing the phone to Simmons as he comes up behind me. I walk back to the building with caution, not wanting to get caught. Once I reach the building I look up at the Bots still hanging on.

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