Chapter 16

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Turtle sat on the couch next to Leo. He was being pretty quiet. She couldn't say the same for her brothers Mikey and Donny. They were watching a cartoon of the Tortoise and the Hare. Their reactions started to make her smile as they cheered on the Tortoise and yelled at it.


This made Turtle bust out laughing.

"You guys are silly."

"Well I'm just SAYING there's no reason a turtle should be upstaged by a bunny!" Mikey argued.

"Technically its a hare."

"Shut up Donny."

"Don't tell me to shut up Mike!"

"Ladies ladies you're both beautiful now stop fighting and change the channel." Turtle jumped up and changed the channel, and found a goofy music video where they were singing a song called "Agadoo."

"Hey Turtle, isn't this one of your favorite songs-"

Turtle was already dancing to it. Sure it was a kiddie song, but in technicality she was herself a kiddie, after all she was only seven, and for the first time in a long time, she was acting like it.

Her brothers smiled. It was a nice change.

Pretty soon, Mikey was dancing with her. Both hula dancing and following the dance steps to the song. They were laughing because it was a fun song, it was one of those novelty party songs, the kind all the drunk people would conga to.

Eventually Donny joined them with their silly hula dances and dance steps. Near the end of the song, they formed a conga line and congaed around the living room. Having a great amount of fun with it. It was the first time in a long time they really got to be their goofy selves.

Leo half smiled at his younger siblings. He thought it was good they were having fun. Especially Turtle. The poor kid needs to be a kid again.

The house rang with their loud singing, then April came in just as the song ended.

"What are you guys doing?" She said laughing.

"Cheesy party dances." Mikey commented.

This made April laugh again.

"We saw you on TV, you were amazing!"

"Aw thanks guys...where's Raphael?"

"Oh, he's off blowing off steam. He's abit hot headed." Leo said.

"Abit?" Turtle, Donny, and Mike blurted.

"Ok, maybe a little more than abit."

His siblings all nodded in unison.

"Well, I wanted you all to see the antique shop. Should we go get him?"

"Nah, trust me, he's better off alone right now."


So they headed down to the antique shop. Inside was a wide range of treasures from the past! Well...if you consider it treasure. The place pretty much had everything!

Turtle noticed Mikey sneaking up to Leo with a pair of symbols. She immediately covered her ears.


The sound seemed to rattle Leo's whole body! Poor Leo, but Turtle couldn't help but laugh.


Mike laughed and dodged Leo who made a grab for him.

"Um guys?" Turtle piped up "Were in an antiques store, easily breakable stuff."

Leo looked at Mikey with a displeased look. "You got lucky little brother."

Mike grinned ang gave Turtle a thumbs up for bailing him out.

When they finished looking around everyone went back upstairs.

"I hope Raphael is alright.." April said very concerned.

"Oh don't worry, he'll be back any second."

Suddenly, the skylight shattered! Raphael had been thrown through!


Not a second later, ninjas began crawling in through every window and every door in the house! Leo, Don, Mikey, and Turtle all stood back to back, weapons at the ready. This was about to be one shell of a showdown!

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