Chapter 14.2.1: Bad end 2

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~Sky's PoV~

Today was the day when we were going to fight Herobrine. Today was the day our sufferings were finally going to end!

As excited as a little child, I glanced at the clock 11:38 AM

Just with the thought of that, I grinned from ear to ear, it's going to end. If ya know what I mean. Hehe.

(Sky, are you doing and saying something you shouldn't?! Looks at script and story. Hmmm... Guess you didn't... btw this chapter is me giving up on writing as a whole and beating the crap outta the fourth wall so beware)

We were going to fight Herobrine at 12:30pm. Just 42 minutes left! I got up, getting ready to walk to the hall.

Suddenly, I felt a split second of nausea.

Just in a blink of an eye, the nausea disappeared.

I stared at the ground (I was in my room, this was before the fight officially began) blankly.

W-what was that?

I felt very uneasy. There was this... Just... This... Umm... Tugging feeling in my heart. It was well, unpleasent. Just then, a loud but familiar voice in my head called out.

~Conversation time!~ (omg how long has it been?!!??!)

S K Y !

What do you want? Skybrine?!

Long time no see, eh, don't be so mean ^^ after all, it's been like, I don't know, over 5 months since we had this?

Spill what you want to say out already!

Okay, okay. I'll be straightforward. Come join us.


Haven't I made myself clear enough? I was pretty sure I didn't beat around the bush and I said it crystal clear! I said: COME JOIN US.

Are you idiotic or what? Do you think I'll join you just because you ask me to? Obviously NOT! Only idiots would do that. Like, which idiot would do that?!

Well, I think you're quite the idiot... Oh well, just open your closet...

Eh? I should ignore them and Not open them...
I watched a video game saying that... A horror one yeah.

Oh. My. Gosh...... I- you- URGH. Don't make references NOW... I know you like Manlybadasshero but SERIOUSLY. Urgh like why do this you- I mean, why do you do this?! I even forgot how to English by just talking to you. What did I talk to you for again? OH YEAH! You'll be sprinting and chasing after Master Herobrine and I after this. See ya later, oh yeah, you'll have to ummm, lend me your body for a while. And I just think I caught your idiot virus, ARGH. I need to go 'disinfect' myself after I finish my job. WHY AM I YOU?!

What....... W H A T?! I'm trying to process what you're saying here. Like seriously, what are you talking ab-
~Conversation time end!!~

And Skybrine just cut me off by leaving... That guy... Such and idiot...

I shook my head when suddenly, my body felt like it wasn't mine anymore.

I know I sounds weird, but it really doesn't feel like it's mine... I know what you're thinking!

Omg Sky what is wrong with you? How can you 'disown' a body...

I'm just gonna say this to you. Thebodyisstillminebutitjustfeelslikeitsnotmineanymoredidntyouseewhatisaidjustnowisaidijustfeltlikeitwasntactuallynotmine. Didn't catch that? Well too bad for you!

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