Chapter 14.1: Good end -Alternetive end 1-

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Ahem... I am terribly sorry for the lack of updates and such! I'm having my exams this year and it's very important, so time on mobile devices will go down!!!!! But I will do my best!

Sky's PoV

So, Ms. Kil is a magma cube hybrid, huh, cool!

Or so I'd like to say. Then, an idea clicked in my head.

I walked to the front of the group and clapped. All murmuring and whispering stopped.

All their eyes turned to look at me.

"Attention! A last minute change of plan! All hybrids come to the front!" I shouted.

All hybrids started walking to the front. (Am I missing anyone?) Ms. Kil, Tia, Midnight, and...... Jerome?

"Jerome? What in the world are you doing here?" I questioned.

"To be part of the hybrid group?" He answers in a "no-duh" way.

"Go back now Jerome."

"I'm a bacca hybrid!"

"And at the same time, you're also a Baka (idiot in Japanese) hybrid."

He shuffled his feet while going back.

He pouted his cheeks and had a disappointed look on his face.

Guess that enlightens everyone a bit. They seemed more relaxed now. Then, I explained what to do.

After a long walk, or so it seemed like, we finally reached the hell. Get ready, anddddd, "CHARRRGEEEEEEEEEEE!" I cried. Everyone charged. Whelp, I might have shouted too loud cause I heard a sword unsheathe.

I blasted the door open as Herobrine stood there with his sword in hand. He grinned as he pointed the sword at my face.

I unsheathed my sword as well. Sky, ready for battle! (Add epic music in the background cause I don't have any!)

I flipped over Herobrine as the rest circled around Herobrine, except for Ms. Kil.

She took out a surprisingly gigantic cake and gulped it down, and she became gigantic and crushed the whole nether fortress.

"Interesting," Herobrine mumbled, eyeing Ms Kil.

Man, my hearing has sure improved! I would probably even be able to hear a needle drop From 10 meters away! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating but, meh.


I screamed. A force field formed around us. It was wide, and probably reaching a height which is higher than the gigantic Mis. Kil.

Ms. Kil was probably the size of a titan in Attack on Titan. (Shingeki no Kyoujin [進撃の巨人])

Operating plan A!

First, Ms. Kil made herself a bit smaller, but still quite big, and tried to stomp on Herobrine.

Herobrine dodged, and at his left and right were Tia and Midnight.

They chanted a similar spell as fireballs and lightning appear, and is all aimed at Herobrine.

Their eyes glow a bright color as they were chanting the spell.

I chant a spell as well. "Disappear." I murmured under my breath. The lightning and fireballs disappeared as Tia, Midnight, Ms. Kil teleported away.

Or to be more precise, Tia and Midnight teleported Ms. Kil and themselves away.

The whole place within the forcefield turned foggy as the place became dark and gloomy. "Don't tell me-"

Herobrine said. I grinned. I know that I would have a very low chance of surviving if I use this skill.

I know my magic type is 100% dark, so using a spell that is an advanced light spell that only high classed light type magic, probably a goddess leveled priest can use.

However, as I am not a light type, this would have a high chance of causing death, but you know, this would remove all evil from you.

So, it's fine. Oh yeah, please do not question how I know this skill.

The place is mostly filled with the dark magic I have thrown away to reduce the chance of death. I put my hand up as Herobrine charged at me. I chanted the spell, "TURN UNDEAD!!!!!!!" a blue light emitted from my hand as Herobrine stopped dead in his tracks. I saw a soul try to escape the grasps of my spell -more like- Aqua's spell before disappearing into nothing, and the last thing I remember was seeing darkness.

I slowly open my eyes to see myself staring into a white space.

"A-am I d-dead?" I mumbled as I tried to get up, but failing as a sharp pain shot through my whole body.

"Don't try to get up so quickly." Someone said. That voice sounded familiar. Who was it again?

"W-who are you?" I forced out as I felt weak and breathless.

"Huh? You don't even recognize my voice?! I'm Quentin!!" Oh yeah. Its Quentin.

Wait what? Quentin? Aren't I in like the afterworld? "Quentin, are you dead too?" I questioned, trying my best not to sound weird.

I heard a laugh, "Hahaha! What are you talking about, Sky? You're alive!"

Oh,, so the reason why I can see Quentin is because I'm a...LIVE?!?!?

"How?" I blurted out.

"It's cause you lived on! Oh yeah, and the self-proclaimed "good" Herobrine helped too." Quentin explained.

"Father...!  He's back to normal! I-I did it!!" I cheered, "Thank goodness!"

Once again, I tried to get up, but I miserably failed again.

"Yo, Sky, looks like you survived!" A familiar, yet kinder voice said.

"Father!" I whipped my head around, to see Tia and father together. Yes... They're safe! I felt my cheeks get hotter and hotter as tears started welling up in my eye.

Father sat on the bed and smiled at me. This time, it wasn't like all those evil grin that he  flashed at me.

It was a nice, gentle and kind smile. I haven't seen one of those in a while...

Uncontrollably, tears started rolling  down my cheeks.

"FATHER!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!! I-I REALLY REALLY MISSED YOU! WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN?!?! F-FOR THE PAST 10 OVER YEARS!!!!! I M-MISSED YOU SO MUCH! YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND!!!!!!" I cried, sobbing and hic-ing between words as I hugged father tightly.

"I'm glad to be back," Herobrine said, "Sorry for taking so long. You saved me. Thank you."

It was the first. First ever time father said thank you to me. It felt all warm and tingly inside. I smiled. I guess this was our happy ending.

Word count: 1041
Holy sheito! Is this a dream?!?! Tanlxee actually posted a chapter?!?! What am I seeing?!?!
Hehe. I reduce my speed of updating chapters cause:
I'm lazy
The story is considered finished kinda already
This year is a very important year
And finally......
Cause I'm too lazy dang it! I have ideas in my head but I'm to lazy to type them out. I wish there was a automatic thought printer ;.;
Whatevs, this is a chapter anyways.
Tiana, signing off!

Under Your Control ( A Skybrine fan-fic )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang