Chapter 14: Memories True end route -End-

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Hey guys, Tiana here and welcome to another chapter! Here it is! (Sorry for not updating for so long btw.)

~Seto's PoV~

My stomach churned as a wave of uneasiness washed over me. I have a really bad feeling about this. I wonder is anyone else is feeling this. I stopped Sky.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." I told him. He had this unsure look on his face.

"We just gotta try. If we don't try now, we are never going to be able to stop him. Even Notch couldn't!" He said.

He is right... I sighed as we caught up to the rest of the group. We jumped into the portal. As we jumped, I barely heard him say

"May god bless us."


~Sky's PoV~

We entered the Nether. We went the shortest route to Herobrine's castle. There were tons of ghasts and pigman and magma cubes.

Just then, I spotted Ms. Kil. I ran to her. "Ms. Kil? I don't remember seeing you in the list of people that is going to the nether!"

"Shhh. I followed you guys here." She whispered, "I am a magma cube hybrid, by the way." She added.

WHAT? Ms. Kil is a magma cube hybrid? Those are so rare! Even if your parents are one magma cube hybrid one human hybrid, the chance of you becoming a full magma cube hybrid is only 50%! Like you'd be a half human with a magma cube hybrid as one of your parents. Unless, your parents are BOTH magma cube hybrids, which is VERY unlikely, then you'll 100% be a full magma cube hybrid. It's not as rare as becoming a fox hybrid AND a brine hybrid though.

"I want proof." The words slipped out of my mouth. I got so agitated I forgot about the fact that she sneaked into the Nether with us.

She giggled. She closed her eyes.

Her hair instantly went from brown to a darkish red colour. Her clothes became a nether brick colour. She opened her eyes and her pupil was a dark yellow colour and the white part of ther eyes were now a lava colour. Lava coloured pattern appeared on both side of her arms.

"That is so flipping cool. what are your powers?" I asked.

"I can jump higher than a normal human can, not as high as enders and brines though, is immune to lava, like pigman, brine and wither, can produce some kind of lava acid, and also split myself into many pieces, and there is two more which is useless." She answered. "also... are you not mad that I sneaked into the group?"

"I'm not. You entered because you wanted to help, right? Why would I be mad?" I smiled at her.

She looked at me deeply, as if she gained some profound insight.

She smiled. "Thanks. I'm sorry." she mumbled.

I wanted to question why she said that to me, but I was interrupted before I could.

"Let's go!" A voice yelled. Every one attacked according to what we planned. Midnight help with killing the mobs too.

I flew to the bottom of the nether castle while Tia flew to the top. Tia and I blasted a hole through the top and bottom of the castle.

"Retreat!" I yelled to the three below.

I charged in to stab Herobrine while Tia charged in to punch him. Herobrine teleported away. Tia and I immediately stopped.

We almost hit each other!

I moved to the left while Tia moved to the right. Then a sword went through Tia's chest, right where the heart is. I stood there, shocked.

Under Your Control ( A Skybrine fan-fic )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin