Chapter 14.2: Bad end 1 (More ends?! Is this a game?!)

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Tiana here again! In a math Olympiad. -.- Bored with nothing to do and so started writing lol

~Sky's PoV~

How many ending must this book have? Stop making me die already. (S.K.Y!)

Ahem. I pondered for a second. Will this really work?

Being the leader an the person who started this, I don't think this will really work out. May not be the case, but the chance of failing is uhm 87.54444%? Some where around there.

But I'll just stick with the original plan like I mean, what could go wrong? And little did I know that when I say that, something will definitely go wrong.

~At Herobrine's castle~

"Boom!" A thunder cracked out of nowhere. In a split second, Herobrine's castle exploded. Flustered, I jumped. Does Herobrine... know about out plan? Impossible! Unless... There was a traitor in our team?

"You're finally here! I've been waiting for you for ages! You made me wait until I grew a beard!" Herobrine chimed.

I grit my teeth in anger. I could feel my insides boiling as I gripped my sword so tightly my knuckles turned white. Then, I heard a muffled scream from behind me. I turned back.

W-what?? Ms... Ms Kil??? W-why? Why is she even here? "Hey... Adam," she mumbled. I stared at her blanky. She came with us? When did she?

Thousands of questions filled my mind, but there was no answer. I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. I prayed earnestly that I was.

However, my prayers were ignored. I was not dreaming. This horrid scene was reality. Ms. Kil's hands were stained with blood.

Lifeless corpses were on the ground, lying down like a ragdoll.

"Ms. Kil... Di- did you do this?" I asked with a shaky voice.

I could not believe it. I did not want to believe it. She was a model trainer! Why did she betray us like this? She killed all of our sorcerers and generals!

The only ones left was Midnight, Tia, and me. Ms. Kil stared at me with a crooked grin.

"Yes! I was the one who killed ALL OF THEM," Ms. Kil laughed like a maniac. I couldn't believe my ears. Was she like this the first time she joined the base?

She was so hyper and enthusiastic! How could she do this? She... She's a MONSTER! It was all a facade!

She lied to us from the very beginning!!!

How could this happen?
I heard some sword clashing sounds from behind. "Sky! Handle Ms. Kil! We'll handle Herobrine!" Tia shouted as they fought it out with Herobrine.


I roared at her. I was mad. Fuming mad. I had never been so mad in my life.

I teleported straight in front of her and stabbed her. No matter what she was, human or not, she can never catch up with my speed.

I sneered. With this amount of skills, you dare to betray our team? HAH!

What a joke.

This is what traitors get.

Suddenly, Ms. Kil grabbed my leg.


I stared wide eyed at her before I swung my sword to cut her hand.

Under Your Control ( A Skybrine fan-fic )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें