Dear Reader

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Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking the time and reading Untraceable. This book has been a long time coming.

When I started it a few years back, I had no idea if it would ever see the light of day. After many ups and downs in publishing, it came down to just me. I believed in this book when no one else did. But more importantly, I needed to publish this book in the hopes of making a difference in an ostrosity to nature.

The idea for Untraceable first came to me when my hubby came back from a camping trip. He said (in a English accent! :), "I was so far out in the wilderness that crazy people could do anything and easily get away with it. No one would know." That seed got planted in my imagination, only to bloom much later.

A year later, I visited Cherokee, North Carolina with my family. Amidst the beauty and peaceful setting of the Smoky Mountains, I came across something that deeply disturbed me. Something I could not fathom or understand. Something that I never expected to see in today's world. The bear pits for tourists. The sadness and horror I experienced in watching these bears be abused and in horrid conditions gave me an idea and passion for this book.

I decided then to create a suspenseful thriller with a splash of sweet romance, while addressing some concerns I have with how some people choose to treat nature and animals. Even today, in a civilized world, uncivilized actions against animals still take place.

Untraceable is my way of making a small difference while somehow, just maybe, shedding a ray of light on a very dark spot in this world. The plight of the black bear is very real. Poaching and international trafficking of bear parts occur today. With this book, I hope to create awareness around bear poaching as well as have a small part in helping to close the horrible bear pits in North Carolina and free the bears that are abused daily.

Don't get me wrong, this book is thrilling and mysterious with a strong girl character, two hot boys, and some great kissing. :) But underneath all of that is a hint of something horrible combined with a thin thread of hope.

I hope you like reading Untraceable as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you find yourself bothered or angry with some of the abuse to bears in this book, please see my “Call to Action” below so you can find your own way of making a difference.

I would love to hear from you anytime! You can email me at or visit me online at



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