Unbreakable Bond

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Josh Anderson was a mountain of a man. He stood at 6’6.” His muscles threatened to rip the sleeves of his shirt and his shoulders looked like they came straight off a bull. One thing Josh didn’t like was folks messing with innocent people, especially women and children. He’d seen some crazy things in other cultures around the world that made him cringe at the thought even now. He considered Max’s request to help his friends a privilege, and already was thinking of a plan to get those kids to safety.

He drove the Sight Unseen bullet proof extended cab. The truck had taken quite some time to reinforce. From the outside, it looked like a normal truck. The nice thing about California was the abundance of custom car shops. The glass was replaced and blackened, steel reinforcements placed in the doors, roof, back of the bed of the truck, and anywhere else a person might think to shoot. There were also several guns tucked away, but accessible if necessary. This was the stake out truck, as well as a fantastic getaway truck. They’d not had to use it yet, but it sounded like his fancy truck might be exactly what Max’s friend Amanda and her protectees needed to get these kids to safety.

He arrived at the apartment at 0300 (after serving 10 years in the military and having been out for two, he still used military time). Amanda met him outside. He had Miguel (Mig for short; not just because of his name either) with him. Mig was a weapons expert, tactical genius, and knew how to undo anything a person could put together. He was 5’6.5” but what he lacked in height was made up for in knowledge and strength. His dark, wavy hair and dark eyes not to mention a smile that could light up a dark room could make a woman swoon.

“Hello! I’m Amanda Vickers.”

“Howdy, ma’am. Josh Anderson, at your service, and this is my best buddy, battle buddy, and wing man all rolled into one, Miguel Rodriguez.”

“Hola, Señorita!”

“You flatter me Miguel, but it’s Señora.” She said with a bashful smile. Then she turned back to the other man. “Josh I was under the impression you were coming alone. I’m always grateful for extra backup, though. Come on in. Coffee’s on. I’ll introduce you to Alyssa and the kids.”


After introductions, Mig set to sweeping Amanda’s new apartment for listening bugs or tracking devices. She explained that the perpetrator, whoever it may be, did not know who she was, why she was here, or how she knew Alyssa. He’d promised to check over Alyssa’s apartment, too.

Josh sat with Alyssa and explained everything Max had told him. “We’re flying your mom out here today. She is meeting us at the airport. We need to leave in thirty minutes. Can you have them ready?”

“Yes. My mom has things for them there, and whatever she doesn’t have, I can send money for. I’m worried about protection. Once they’re in Kansas, how do I know they’ll be safe?”

“Miguel is travelling with them, as a tail of sorts. Your mom will know, but others won’t. He’s staying in her garage apartment, and the only time they won’t have him in the same place is when they’re sleeping. Your dad put in a surveillance camera with audio in the room where they will sleep, and Mig will have the feed directly to him, as well as your folks, okay? You can choose whether or not you want stay here or we can send you there and deal with the maniac for you.”

“I want to stay and find out who this is and why they’re doing this to us. If they hate me, fine, but why endanger my kids?” She was on the verge of tears from frustration. “Let me get them ready.”

As she left the room, Mig looked at Josh. “This won’t be easy, mi amigo. She’s in a deep mess. I’ll go check her apartment. Okay?”


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