~Chapter 9~

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Who do you think you are to just invade my cold heart like this? Do you think you are above me? Do you hold some sort of higher order than I do? Stealing away my peace in solidarity, shaking up my emptiness. Your warmth, I never asked for it. Why are you still trying to give it to me now? You can tell I'm lying about everything. Don't go please.

Part 9~

I yawned and rolled over to see Young Do asleep on the chair in my room. At one point in time I hoped I could find a lawyer with a restraining order to sign against this boy. "Yah Young Do." I lightly shouted, my voice barely above a whisper. He didn't wake up though. I sighed and tossed a pillow at his head. He opened his eyes and jolted up quickly. After looking around with alert eyes, he finally focused on my figure sitting at the edge of the bed with my arms crossed. I'm sure he noticed my unimpressed facial expression as well. "What have I told you about coming into my room without permission?" I scolded him. He rolled his eyes and gathered some things to head into the bathroom. From behind the bathroom door I could hear him shout his reply. "What have I told you about this being my room and my hotel?" Then he started the shower up. "Aishhh, I'm going to be late dealing with this crazy jerk." I whispered to myself. Just then, I noticed his room key/card sitting on the edge of the table. I smiled to myself, gathered my clothes and toiletries, and headed to his room to take a shower. By the time I finished getting ready and changing, he was already in the hallway waiting for me with my school bag. I rolled my eyes and snatched the bag from him on my way down the hall. He followed closely behind and started his daily barrage of questions. "Why did you go into my room and use my shower without my permission? Have you finally lost your mind or something?" He asked me as he followed me into the elevator. I laughed and shook my head. "I find it funny that you're asking me that question right after you just did the exact same thing for two nights in a row in my bathroom. Whatever, it's Thursday and I'm not going to let you ruin my mood today. I'm so close to the weekend where I can just relax in my room and lock you out." I smiled thinking about the peace that was sure to come. However, my thoughts invaded upon themselves when I remembered the same peace while eating noodles with Young Do. Then I remembered Eun Sang saying he'd make my life Hell if I let him in (which he has). The tricky part is that he's showing interest in me which would mean he likes me. "Hello??? This is your floor so get off already." My attention came back to Young Do as he waved his hand in my face and pushed me out of the elevator.

   I fell to my kness. Instead of helping me up, he stepped around me and watched me struggle to get up for a moment. "You are so confusing to me." I lightly pushed him when I stood up. "Why is that?" he asked as he followed me on my walk to school. He didn't even get his bike for the ride. "You want to know why, Young Do? Because sometimes you make me happy, but then you hurt me whenever I let my guard down. I want to trust you and I think I want to be your friend. The problem is that, I'm not sure how you feel about me." Young Do laughed and wiped his eyes. "Your friend? I don't care about you that much, foreign girl. You should understand where we stand together." Then he stopped me from walking and started to tower over my figure with a menacing smirk. "You and I are merely cat and mouse. You're my entertainment. That is the most important thing for you to understand. I will be the only one to torture you from now on. I will make you hate me until you have to go back to America." Then he turned in the opposite direction and headed back to the hotel. I frowned and shrugged my shoulders. I know that he must've felt something towards me. It's either that, or he was like an abusive brother. However, like I had mentioned earlier, it was Thursday and I'm not going to let anything bother me. "So close to weekend that I could cry." I told myself as I stepped through the entrance of Jeguk High. A few minutes later, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Eun Sang and Kim Tan smiling lightly at me. I gasped and hugged both of them. "I was beginning to think you two were lying about being students here!" I joked with them. "No, we're in the senior class with you but we have different schedules. It just so happened that we'd actually spot you heading to wherever." Kim Tan explained to me. I nodded and gave a hasty reply. "Guys, we should exchange schedules with each other but not now. I really have to get to class. But here..." I pulled my phone out and handed it to them. "Put your numbers in it. That way I can keep in contact with you guys." Both of them smiled and complied. However, as I was leaving, Eun Sang pulled me aside. "Why is Young Do's number in your contact list?" She smirked at me. I snatched my phone away and rushed to class, listening to their friendly laughter behind me die away the further I got from them.

   I entered class to see my desk was gone. A lot of the students were laughing and whispering at me. I cleared my throat and bravely piped up. "Where is my desk?" No one answered me. Everyone just kept laughing and snickering at my misfortune. It had only been by luck that I looked to see it on the roof of the building closest to class. I growled and shook my head. As I exited the room, kids laughed loudly at me. By the time I had drug it back to class, the teacher was already in the middle of a lesson. Not only had I been warned for interrupting class, but I also had to sit in a dirty desk. That's right...not only had someone taken my desk all the way out of class, but the had vandalized it as well. It was scratched up and marked all over with insults like Food Face or Dirty Foreigner or Sheep hair. I rolled my eyes and hoped for class to be over with already. Lucky for me, time seemed to pass rather quickly. As soon as it was time to leave, I rushed out of the room. The only thing left was lunch and three more classes. Then I would have time to relax, wait for Friday, and be happy. After breaking the time down, I had completed class and was on my way to the hotel. Young Do hadn't followed me at all and I was actually happy about that. When I got into my room, he wasn't there either. Of course I could only get so lucky before I snapped back into reality. My phone buzzed and it was, of course, a text from Young Do. I groaned and flopped onto my bed. I opened the messages to see what he had sent me.

_From 바보---I was the one who  got rid of your desk today.

_What the...Why did you do that Young Do?!?!

_To see how you'd react. Also, didn't I tell you that I would be the one to torture you until you have to go back to America? Have you forgotten just so quickly? Also, don't let the others bother you. I know you're tired of  being laughed at and talked about. If they keep bothering you, let me know it.

_...I'm so confused right now. You want to hate me but you won't let anyone else do it? I think you're ridiculous. Why do you treat me like this?

_Where are you?

_Answer my question Young Do -_-)

_Where are you? Are you hungry? Come eat noodles with me.

_Young Do? Hello? I'm not coming if I have to pay for them.
Young Do?
I know you're getting my texts...
FINE, I'm on my way

_ ;) Dress warm for Oppa

_Whatever -_-)

I sighed in defeat and changed out of my uniform to get ready. I grabbed some extra money because I knew I'd have to pay for the noodles again. I also put on a jacket so I didn't have to deal with awkwardness of Young Do slipping his jacket on me. "Here we go again." I sighed and headed to the elevator.

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