~Chapter 5~

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Dreams and nightmares fused together but soon enough my eyes opened up. No, not physically but mentally...spiritually. I can't say that I needed him, I can only say that I wanted him. The annoyance and the pain was a small price to pay just to feel his warmth by my side. His smooth words rolling from him, regardless of the pins and needles he spit in each sentence.

Part 5~

   Tuesday was already here and so I had to get up and suffer yet another day. Korea was perfection aside from being bullied. If I were to reveal my current social status, I'm sure that things would only get worse from there. I could only assume this by the way Rachael confronted me about the 'rich kids table' in the cafeteria yesterday. So I braced myself and put on my uniform. Of course, the day couldn't begin without annoyance..."Yah, Choi Young Do...WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE MY DOOR!?" I kicked his half-asleep figure. He groaned and removed some headphones that were currently wedged in his ears. "I slept out here last night." He admitted to me honestly. "What the...WHY?!?!" I threw my arms up in frustration. He rolled his eyes and stood up. "Because you didn't invite me inside your room, duh. What are you supposed to be, dumb?" He said as if I were supposed to let him in last night. I groaned and turned towards the end of the hall. On the way to the elevator, Young Do tagged behind me and started his barrage of annoying questions. "I texted you at least 7 times last night. I called you 4 times. Why didn't you answer me or text me back?" He asked me as we boarded the elevator together. "Because I deleted your contact from my phone and ignored you. You should lose my number as well, considering I want nothing to do with you." I said nonchalantly as I waited for the elevator to go to the first floor. "Why would you say that?" He asked me with a smirk. I growled under my breath and replied to him. "Why would I want to text someone that made me feel threatened on my first day here, chased me on multiple occasions, and tripped me in the cafeteria." He went silent and the elevator doors opened. "By the way..." I turned to face him while he was still in the elevator. "If I were you, I get changed and shower for school since you slept outside my door all night with those dirty clothes on." Then the doors closed between us. I smiled to myself for getting the upper hand and started walking to school.Not even five minutes later after I made it there did school turn into hell. I opened my locker to trash and half eaten food pouring out. Some people in the halls ended up laughing at me. Each class I walked into was like a comedy club and I was the shining star. Near the end of the day, I decided that I deserved and could get a well needed cup of coffee from the café that Eun Sang works at. The moment I walked through the door I saw Eun Sang, Kim Tan, Bo Na, and Chan Young conversing with each other. The moment my presence was known, the whole table lit up with smiles (except Bo Na).

"Yah Chan Young! Why are you smiling at food face? Smile only at me!" Bo Na put her hands up to squish his cheeks. Chan Young chuckled and ruffled her hair lightly. "That wasn't very nice to call her that. You know she's having a hard first few days at school. If you remember, Eun Sang had a hard time too. She became a good friend of ours right?" Chan Young explained to her. She sighed and nodded shyly. "I guess you're right. Besides, it wasn't really her fault that she fell. I saw the whole thing. Young Do tripped her." Bo Na explained. As soon as she said his name, there was a collective groaning from Kim Tan and Eun Sang. "Why did he trip her?" Eun Sang asked as she pulled out a chair for me to sit at. I took the seat and Kim Tan rolled his eyes. "You know why...He treated you the same when he showed interest in you. Could it be that he's interested in her? Or maybe he's back to bullying. You never know...his hair is already back to that God-awful up doo." Kim Tan said, making everyone laugh loudly. I wasn't laughing however. I decided to cut into the conversation. "Excuse me, what do you mean by interest? Am I his next victim to be bullied because I really don't want to deal with that." I asked them. Cha Eun Sang decided to answer my question. "Well...do you remember me telling you my story the other night? Do you remember me telling you about how he felt about me? Well what I'm saying is...He may have opened his heart up to you. He may want to...be with you." When she said this, my nose turned upward. "I will NEVER be with Choi Young Do." I said with a serious expression. Everyone laughed and conversation continued as usual. Soon enough, Eun Sang had to clock back into work and Kim Tan left to handle business. Bo Na and Chan Young went to catch a movie together, and I was left alone at the table with my coffee. It was a loneliness I felt, but a certain peace that couldn't be shaken up unless...*DING DING* the bell signaling that a customer came through the café door had rung. I looked up to see Young Do heading directly for my table. I groaned and placed my coffee down, fully prepared to listen to his ridiculousness. He grabbed a seat in front of me and stared at me with that crap-eating grin of his. "Ah geez, what do you want?!?!" I threw my head back and waited for his answer. "I want your phone. May I have it?" He asked me. I looked at him for a bit before replying to him. "If I say yes, will you leave me alone for the rest of the day?" I asked him. He thought to himself before giving a goofy smile and nodding. I sighed and handed him my phone. He did some typing, put his motorcycle helmet on his head, and left out of the café. I looked down at my phone to see he had added his contact number to my phone YET AGAIN. I knew if I deleted it then he'd just add it back. Plus, I told him to leave me alone for the rest of the day (which he seems to be doing), so I suppose I'll keep my end of the deal and keep his number...for now at least.

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