~Chapter 2~

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The night brought about more tossing and turning than I could've ever imagined. The worry that plagued me tonight, would be twice as bad tomorrow. Where was the comfort that night should've brought to me? Where was it supposed to be?

Part 2~

I opened my eyes and rushed to get ready for the day. The quicker I could get ready would mean the quicker I'd come to the day ending. When this had all began, I had rather anticipated the trip to Korea. I had spent 3 years teaching myself the language and there were still things to be learned here or there. But still...things are not as I thought they would be once I made it here. "I'm not going to let that bother me. This is what I'm here for. To learn and to enjoy myself. I'm not sure I'll be able to make friends though." I spoke to myself in my native tongue. I would have to be rather prepared to make it through the day which meant I would have to deal with the multiple questions that people are going to ask me or the possible rude comments. I realized this as I slipped on my uniform and walked out the door. The day seemed to already begin with trouble as I ran into the back of a firm figure. I was knocked to the ground, which led me to believe I had ran into a man for sure...or maybe a woman bigger than me? I quickly gathered my things whilst apologizing and when I looked up, I couldn't believe my rotten luck. Young Do was looking down at me with an unamused expression upon his face. He didn't even attempt to help me up. "Are you following me, foreign girl?" He asked with a disgusted expression. As I stood up I quickly shook my head. "NO! No, of course not. I literally just came out of my room. I should be the one asking if you are following me? How did you even know I was here?" I asked him while dusting off my skirt. Young Do scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Now why would I follow you? Is that a normal thing for Americans? This is my hotel foreign girl, and you just so happened to be on the same floor as my room. How annoying is that." He sighed in frustration. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him. Behind my tough exterior, internally I was dead nervous. Are all the kids at that school mean except for Myung Soo? Because that's exactly the impression I get from them and from Young Do. But also another thought struck me...THIS IS YOUNG DO'S HOTEL?!?!? I knew that they were all rich at the school, but I didn't know they were this rich!

"Where do you think you're going?" Young Do followed behind me. "Don't you know that it's rather rude to cut off conversation with someone? Is that also just an American thing?" He continued to follow me into the elevator. I sighed and kept my eyes on the buttons. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible but fate had other plans. That's exactly why I was currently stuck in an elevator with him, or why we ended up on the same floor. It's also because of fate that I am stuck with him in the same hotel. Perhaps I should've spent all this time focusing on Italy or Spain so I'd be there instead of Korea. "Yah, I know you hear me talking to you right now. Are you deaf? Have you lost your ability to hear since yesterday?" He waved his hand in my face. I groaned and quickly exited the elevator as soon as the doors opened up. Of course Young Do quickly followed after me. It had only been a few minutes of him pestering me, and i was already dead tired of him. I groaned and swiftly turned to face him, stopping him in his tracks. "Look, I just got here yesterday. You don't even know my name. Don't you think it's a little too early to annoy me?" I complained to him. He laughed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Do you even know my name? Don't you think it's a little too early to have gained my interest?" He returned to me. I growled under my breath and turned away from him. As I continued to walk out of the entrance and down the road to school, I couldn't sense his presence behind me anymore. Just as I began to get comfortable with being alone, I could hear the low rumble of a motorcycle coming closer and closer behind me. I turned to see him. And isn't that the same annoying bike I nearly tripped over last night?!?! "Aishhhh LEAVE ME ALONE YOUNG DO!" I threw my arms up and started to run away from him. I turned a few corners and managed to hopefully lose him. Maybe, compared to him, the other sharks (kids at the school) were not so bad to be around. Of course after I got off his trail, my walk to school was much more of a relief.

Soon enough I was going through the front entrance of school, only to immediately have eyes glued to me. Of course the whispers began again. I wanted to run and hide at that moment, but yet another face got in the way of that. This time it was not the charismatic Myung Soo, but it was a separate face instead. "Hello there!" He greeted me in English. I gave a shy smile and nodded at him. "I can speak Korean so you don't have to try to speak with me in English if you don't want to." I told him shyly. He laughed and shook his head. "I already know that you can speak it. You're not aware of just how fast news spreads across this school. I just greeted you in English to be nice to you. My name is Yoon Chan Young by the way. May I ask what your name is?" He held his hand out to me. "Oh, um, my name is Lillian... It's Lillian Hart." I grabbed his hand with both of mine and shook it firmly. Before I could get to know more about him, a loud shout followed by the sound of heels clicking on the floor came near. I looked to see a beautiful girl approaching us. She looked absolutely disgusted at me but Chan Young only smiled and chuckled. He seemed to be used to her upset face. "Excuse me, but what do you think you're doing by grabbing my boyfriend?!" She pulled his hand out of mine and gripped it tightly in hers. Then she gave a cute pout to top off her rage. "Calm down Bo Na, I'm just greeting her. You know that's my job since I'm senior class president this year. I also have to show her to class." He explained to her, but Bo Na wasn't having it. "NO! I'll show her to class." She grabbed my hand and whisked me away to the hallway upstairs.

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