~Chapter 1~

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The first day I came to Korea was also the first day my suffering began. It was both painful, yet beautiful at the same time. For the warmness and anger I felt towards him had been like nothing I felt towards anyone in America, nor had I felt it towards anyone in the entire world. His name was Choi Young Do.

Part 1~

"This is your schedule and you'll need to stick to it as closely as you can, understand? Also, do not forget to be on time for class because that can cause a penalty under your name if you're constantly late, or you don't show up." The woman told me in Korean. I nodded and replied with a polite thank you. I was lucky enough that the social care group could take care of foreign exchange students because my funds were nearly all used up to get here in the first place. The scholarship for study abroad was used up on half my tuition to this pricey school. Of course, I had to keep in mind that I was nothing more than a mere experiment since I was the very first foreigner on campus. From what I had heard, the school was very prestigious and money was a huge topic here between all the students. Wealth controlled the social pecking order, so I had to keep silent about it around here. As I left the room, I had ultimately determined to keep my mouth shut about my primary means of funding and mind my own business. My focus is set on my education only. I focused as I walked down the hallways. I would be starting tomorrow, yet eyes were drawn opon me today. "Hey you!" a voice shouted to me in English. I sighed and slowly turned to look at the origin of the voice. I scanned the group of people that kept their eyes firmly on me...judging me perhaps. Was it because of my deep skin tone, or was it because of my tightly coiled and kinky hair? "You are the foreign girl, yes? I am happy for meeting to you. I am Myung Soo." He talked to me in English. His perky expression seemed like enough to put my worries to rest, until another person from the crowd walked over and stood next to him. "She can understand Korean idiot. I don't think they'd send a foreign girl who couldn't understand it to survive over here by herself. Use that head of yours Myung Soo." The boy spoke to him in Korean. He then turned to look at me. I felt a little threatened by his sharp eyes, and lowered brows. Was he going to eat me? He seemed to want to do so judging by the expression on his flawless and firm face.

He came closer and closer to me. Whenever he finally stopped, he leaned forward and whispered "On the other hand, you don't look like you'll survive regardless." Then he pushed past me, nearly taking me off balance, and kept walking forward towards the doors. "It was nice to meet you." Myung Soo bowed to me and rushed to catch up to the other boy. "Young Do, wait up!" He shouted after him. So Young Do was his name? I'll be sure to keep away from him the most of all. I composed myself and eventually the crowd dispersed, but their whispers stayed behind creating a buzz of unsureness in my head. Does she even belong here? Look at how she's dressed. I wonder if she's poor. Why is she in Korea? Can she understand Korean? Weird foreigner. Skin so dark, how can you see her? Ugh, why does her hair look like that? Maybe that Young Do was right about me? Maybe just being able to speak Korean wouldn't be enough to survive this school. I understand that not everyone here could be so mean and brutal. I could tell there were kind people after meeting Myung Soo...but just maybe I would torn apart by the vicious jaws of wealthy students at the school. Just then, I felt a gentle tap upon my shoulder. I tensed up and turned around. When I saw the person I gave a sigh of relief. It was just my escort. "Are you ready miss? I will take you to pick up your school uniform, and take you to the hotel. Afterwards, you will be on your own." His polite English hit my ears and relaxed me a bit. He smiled warmly, his wrinkles lighting up his loving and kind expression. I nodded and followed him to the car. Once inside, I fiddled with radio until I found a good song, and I relaxed on the way to the hotel. I may have seemed calm, but deep down inside, I was unsure of whether I could handle the school here. Should I have studied the Italian language instead? No, I loved the Korean language. I loved the culture, the food, the entertainment. I came here to learn, and I will not let the others deter me from puruing just that! 

Just as my escort had said, we picked up my uniform from the store and headed straight to the hotel afterwards. The first month fees of Hotel Zeus would be covered by the exchange program but I would soon have to get a job to cover the rest of them. Of course I didn't let this bother me either. After the long day I had, and the difficult time it took for me to make it to Korea, I was simply ready to lay down and rest whether than worry about anything else. Therefore, I bid goodbye to my escort whom I wouldn't see again until the program was over with, and I departed into the hotel front entrance. On the way inside, I nearly ran into a motorbike parked carelessly outside. I first examined it in annoyance then I ignored it and went on my way. What kind of irresponsible driver would leave it there like that? I shook the thoughts away and eventually made it to my room for a much needed rest. When I laid my head down on the soft pillows, I immediately felt my stress roll away and I fell asleep quickly.

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