Horizons - Chapter 14 - Too Close

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Don't forget to listen to the song, this one is Alex Care - Too Close 


Chapter 14. 

Harry p.o.v

It's the fourth day of the games and last night's coverage was not what I expected at all, I suppose some would wonder why Jet was so keen to be in an alliance with Flora, so honour his district, or I suppose at the back of my mind I thought it could be a bad reason, but it turns out none of us were expecting a confession like he said. 

Am I suprised about the fact that he is ? no, in fact I'm not, I feel the same way about her, and he was showing signs, comforting her until late that night on the train. Being so nice to her even though he knew they'd be chucked into the arena together, she was clueless of course, but it kind of reassures me that Flora warned him off, and they have a kind of reasonable alliance agreement so I guess there's nothing else that can be done. 

And now she has a Bow and Arrows, I feel so much better about everything, maybe she has a fighting chance, her insticts are brilliant at the moment, like in the middle of the night once two weeks before the reaping she sat bolt upright and started talking some jibberish about how there were foxes in the garden, and she wouldn't sleep until I looked so I went to the window and there they were side by side in the moonlight tail tips milky white and fur auburn. And there was no way even if she heard them crashing about that she could know they were foxes. Weird. But that's what I mean she can hunt like no-one I've ever known, and like I said to her...

Hunting people is the same as animals. This is the only thing she'd consider. 

I sit at breakfast with the others, I'm going to the GameMakers centre today, to check up on them, see what gifts they might need, speak to new sponsors, they've had loads though, especially Flora, I think she's got the sympathy vote, there was a man who came in yesterday with his wife, he was trying to decide which tribute to sponsor and bet on, and in the end his wife forced him to choose Flora because she's pregnant, well I think that's why anyway.

And then she droned on to me for ages about how they'd give all the money they could to make sure Flora survives. She has a pretty dedicated fanbase if you look at it that way, I stifle a chuckle as I remember how eager that lady was to help. 

"You're in a surprisingly good mood this morning.." Observes Louis, as I dip my roll into hot chocolate, I smile again as I consider his statement and because it's what Flora always does.

"Yeah.. because, now she might have a chance y'know.." I say, I'm being weirdly optomistic. I don't even understand it, the girls exchange looks, I know they're not as hopeful but it's the only thing I can do to stop myself from being depressed.

"Yeah bro, just help her out the best you can, Jet will look after her..." He says unsure whether Jet being mentioned might piss me off, I don't think anyone understands my attitude to Jet's confession but, it's because I know exactly how he feels, but I can have her. And she's mine, but he said he'll do whatever he can to help and I beleive it. Because obviously I would if it was me in that situation.

There's a knock at the door but no-one goes to answer it as Gregory strides in newspaper in each hand, and plonks them onto the table with a smack. 

I study them, they're both headlines about Flora, with shots of her, she's had the papers pretty much all week but not always front page. 

"She's front page on all of them today" Says Gregory. I nod, and read the bit of the article, the Capitol public are angry about Flora being put in, how her weight has clearly deteriorated already and she's suffering, and how it's wrong, I consider how surely it's 'Wrong' to shove 24 innocent girls and boys into an arena to kill each other anually, but I keep silent. 

"They're not happy then?" Says Hanna quietly.

"Nope, and the whole aim of the games is to keep the Capitol crowd entertained, and most people, no matter how bloodthirsty want to see a girl and her unborn baby murdered, and this looks bad at the hands of Snow..." Says Gregory. 

"Well he's probably done worse.." mutters Liam.

"Well yes he has in that respect and it's unfair, but you want Flora out right ?" Says Gregory getting rather tetchy. 

"Right!" I say looking at everybody to shutup. 

"Well I'm not encouraging you to lead on the 'rebels' or anything idiotic like that but it might help your cause to make the nation love her more, tell them things about her, she's the nations sweetheart anyway, but I wouldn't be surprised if Snow is considering his next move to get her out" Gregory says, I'm astonished and realise I'm grinning at him, I actually hate him, but i'm happy he's delivered this news, he backs away out of known to be an awkward person.

"Did you hear that..!?" I say grinning. 

"Harry, don't get ahead of yourself, this is snow we're talking about, just let it brew for a bit let them do all the work, he'll get her out if the Capitol population aren't entertained by it, he lives for them, feeds of their entertainment.." Say's Beth's mum. I want to do something already, make him get her out, but I know what she's saying is true.

We head off to the GameMakers headquarters things are on my mind, the receptionist rushes up to us as soon as we get through the door.

"Harry there's a call from the president, he wants to meet with you.." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2012 ⏰

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