OVA Bonus chapter! (Finale)

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This is it guys! I'm so happy to be on the last chapter...But sad cause it's the last chapter

Once more episodes get released which I think is next year.... :'( I'll start up again!

WARNING This chapter contains a shitty lemon!

The whole gang were standing on top of a cliff edge admiring the autumn leaves

"Wow! Yona look this leave is exactly like your hair!" the two women kneeled down to admire the pretty red leaf

"It's true you don't see this at the castle not this close anyway" they all nodded in agreement except for Sinha you was staring into the distance

"Sinha? What do you see my son?"

"A building...Somewhere to stay" "Really? Lemme see Move outta the way" shifting her son she peered into the distance and what she saw made her giggle with glee "What is it

Onee-sama?" "It's a...A...A..." "What is it?!" "It's a hot spring!" everyone perked up and they took off determined to reach it.

Kagome arrived first seeing an old lady there she smiled and walked up "Hello we'd like to book two rooms?"

"Of course dearie it's 300 yen...Per...Head..." falling asleep kagome giggled at her placing a large sack of money in front of her

"We'll find our rooms"

"Of course child pick whatever ones you like..." bowing to the woman she dragged yona away while the men sniffed around.

"Come one Yona you hope in I'll pack away our clothes!" Yona smiled at her sister's exuberant mood but complied and slipped in

"How does it feel?"

"It feels really good!" Kagome smiled only a white towel wrapped around her when Hak and Jeaha walked in.

She froze slowly turning to see their red faces, feeling cheeky she smirked

"What? Never seen a nearly naked woman before?" thin white lines marred her body everywhere

"Are those...Scars?"

"Hm? Oh yes! From my brother mostly during training or sparring"

"Well...I'll be joining you two ladies..." She put a hand on his shoulder claws digging in

"Ahaha...I was joking kagome-chan"

She shrugged releasing him and dropping the towel slipping into the women's bath, their eyes widened and jaws dropped when they not only saw her body but 3 scars matching Kija's exactly as well as a starburst one on her side.

"Yona! Let me wash your back and then you can wash mine kay?"

"Okay onee-sama!" their giggles and chatting allowed the men to relax as the too sunk into the baths letting out a sigh of pleasure.

However after the little scene in the changing room Jeaha brooded a little bit before calling a certain woman over "Kagome-chan come here for a sec!" he grinned when a groan was heard from the other side.

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