Chapter 16

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Once they had fallen down and into a carriage Kagome immediately shuffled behind them and wrapped her arms around them protectively "Don't worry Imoutos it will soon be over..." Yun looked at her with a sour face, she only winked and gestured for him to hush "Ho? You're all sisters eh?" "Yes master, we all came from a poor merchant, our mother is very sick so we hoped we could earn money for her medicine as we cannot afford it" the driver sighed "It's me kagome..." "Shippo?! What the hell are you doing?! We're undercover!" "So am I! Sesshomaru told me to keep an eye on your reckless ass" "Don't you dare give me that tone young man!" Shippo flinched though they couldn't see it "I thought so..." "Listen mother, I'm going to have to be a bit rough with you...All of you...To keep my disguise up" "It's okay son do what you must" "Of course, You'd expect no less wouldn't you?" "Of course"

They were roughly pushed into the small room that kept them all hidden away glaring at her son for being too rough he shrunk back and quickly closed the door. Only for it to opened again by Kumji himself she shooed Yun and Yona to hide amongst the women, healing Yona's foot while they did so.

"Lovely merchandise you'll all sell very well indeed" "Lord Kumji...I thought we were here for work?" "There is work...Not the type you'll be used to though" he looked down at his feet to see a woman sprawled her rich blue/black hair falling to her knees, clothes tattered at the bottom and on the sleeves indicated her wealth. He pulled her up by the hair surprised when she didn't squeak "Your girl, Look at me" her blazing sapphire eyes bore into his staring deeply at his soul 'You are rotten to the core Yan Kumji...and we shall make sure that you never live to reach Kai empire...' he quickly dropped her after the sinister voice had finished speaking "You...You...Demon!" kagome shrugged nonchalantly "I've been called worse by scarier beings than you" "Put her and anyone else who came with them in a separate room" "Yes sir!" Shippo quickly grabbed the three tying them onto a rope before dragging them away.

"Shippo here are you taking us?" "To the supplies closet there should be some weapons there for you to use" "Ah, that's my son" he gave her a cheeky grin before cutting their ropes and putting them inside the closet "Good luck"

"Shippo was right...There's some good weapons in here...Yona take this bow Yun have this dagger" "What about you?" "Well not only do I have poisons in my sash as well as a small skinning knife there's a sword here too...I also have my claws" they nodded and she peeked through to find nobody there "Come on let's go locate the women" following her nose she killed the guard on top of the door and dropped in "Ladies your rescue is here!" "The woman tied and blindfolded gasped.

Untying them and letting the blindfolds fall off they were surprised to see the three women from before "Hey aren't you that demon woman?" "Yes, I'm a dragon demon to be exact" one woman gasped "It's Kagome-sama! You were a woman all along!" stroking the cheek of the courtesan she sighed in defeat "I was....I apologise for deceiving you so my lovely lady" she eeped and fell to her knees blushing deeply

"Listen closely my little flowers!" they blushed but listened "There are many evil officials on this beautiful night! Tainting it with their disgusting stench! We shall save you from the ugly oni Yan Kumji!" they all cheered as Yun, Yona and Kagome disappeared up the stairs "Hey You! Stop!" "Oh dear me..." she covered her nose "These men stink" she dashed forward and sunk both of her hand right through the chests ripping their hearts out "Come one hurry!" "Onee-sama did you really have to kill them?!" "Yes...?" they sweat dropped "Hey I haven't hunted in a while forgive me if my bloodlust is a little high Okay?!" They nodded before she held out her hand "Huh?" "Give me the firework you guys stay here...I'll light it" Yun relented after much arguing but kagome made a point "I'm an assassin remember? I've been trained to kill quietly and quickly" again he gave up and went to sit tight with the girls "Where's kagome-sama?" "Due to her expertise and training my Onee-sama is much better qualified than us and we would only be in her way" they awed at Yona's cuteness

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