Chapter 15

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"I want you to pick me senjuso" Everyone gasped even kagome and Jeaha narrowed their eyes "Captain..." her voice filled with a warning was ignored "What is it?" "A herb, it only grows on the mist shrouded cape" "I'll do it!" "Oh? You'll have no help and I'm sure kagome has already told you the dangers" "It's impossible for her to go alone" a baritone cold voice spoke clearly from Yona's hood, "Of course, I will be there to help mistress Yona" "Who are you?" "I am kurama old bag, I am Yona's familiar" her eyes widened and she looked to kagome only to flinch at the dark look directed at her.

"Kagome is this true?" she gave a small incline of her head and everyone shivered at her malicious aura "So this is the rumoured Princess of death I've heard about" "Priestess of death?" "Aside from kuro kitsune, kagome had another name. The Princess of death, is how she is known in her clan the only person alive whom isn't scared or at least intimidated by her would be her brother Sesshomaru" "Does he have a nickname?" kagome chuckled "My brother does though not many dare utter it, his name alone mean 'Killing perfection' they say if you called his name out on a full moon he would appear...It's a load bullshit obviously" Jeaha looked at her curiously "What's his code name then?" she made direct eye contact with his amethyst eyes "The King of Death" they all gasped "Your brother is The king of death? Like the leader of the hidden shadow clan?" "Yes, Dummy, There is after all only one Sesshomaru!" she puffed her cheeks out in anger.

"Kagome you will take her and watch over her" her gaze returning back to being sharp and dark she gave a mocking bow "Of course..." she held out her hand and yona immediately latched on, Both arms around her back she wrapped them in a cloak and jumped off, making the boat tilt slightly in the power of the initial jump "Jeaha watch them make sure kagome only observes" he nodded and took off also.

"Onee-sama are you mad?" "No Yona..." her features turned dark as her power swirled up and out "I'm furious! How dare she! The nerve of that old hag, when we finish this mission she better avoid me!" "Kagome-chan! Slow down!" her face contorted to a look of disgust "Or don't the view is lovely back here" she swiftly landed at the edge of the cliff.

"Onee-sama...I know you're mad but please think, I'm small which makes it easier for me to travel across this ridge, if this herb is that important I'll go and get it" "It's not that I doubt you getting yona it's just...I have a bad feeling about this day...and when the captain said for to do this...That bad feeling increased by tenfold" she bit her lip in worry before enveloping Yona in a warm hug "The weather on this rocks is too unpredictable! The waves crash fiercely against the rock making it unstable and dangerous" Jeaha's eyes widened "It...It does? All this Captains been endangering the lives of her men for a herb?" "Yes, and to make things worst more common herbs can be mixed together to have the same effect, but she refused for me to teach her"

His eyes narrowed "Please Yona be careful..." a bright smile was her answer as she slid down onto the path kurama trotting behind her. Kagome sat on top of Mizuki watching from the sky, she flinched every time a particularly large wave crashed against the rocks splattering yona with water.

Trips and stumbles made kagome urge Mizuki right next to yona "Yona...I'm here if you need me" turning her watery eyes to kagome she smiled "I'm afraid I can't go any further the path is too narrow" "Mizuki...You know what to do" he huffed in amusement before swooping down and picking Jeaha up by the scruff of his outfit "Wah!" kagomes chuckle made yona turn to look at them "Onee-sama what are you...Pfft" her full blown laughter came out when she saw Jeaha hanging by his clothes.

They had finally reached the tree and kagome jumped off entering the tree "Wow this is it?" "You seem disappointed onee-sama..." "Are you kidding this crap grows like weeds in my village!" "Well you did say your village was dark and damp..." "Yeah...It's probably because we live in a tree" Yona hummed in agreement "Are you guys okay?" kagome poked out her head "Why wouldn't fly up as high as you can!" quickly obeying her orders his eyes widened when a large wave crashed into the tree reaching halfway up before falling again.

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