( twenty six. ) bucky barnes [3]

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bucky when he pulls steve from the river, he takes a good look at the man who claims they were once best friends

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bucky when he pulls steve from the river, he takes a good look at the man who claims they were once best friends. he tries to focus to remember anything about the man before him but the only images he sees are of you, he knows who you are - he's always known even on the darkest days in hydra. you'd been his salvation, his reason for living and even though seventy years have passed you've continued to be his best girl.

he stares down at steve shaking his head trying to remove the images of you but he knows it's not possible, you're always with him wherever he goes and whatever he does. bucky know as he looks down at steve that he needs to find you, he needs to find the girl whose smile brought him even tiny slithers of happiness on days he felt he could no longer go on. so bucky leaves steve, he walks away in search of you.

a/n: part 2??

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