( thirty two. ) steve rogers. [4]

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steve felt bile rise up his throat but swallowed it down, he took a long deep breath to prepare himself. there you were standing facing him almost as if five years hadn't passed since he last held you and kissed you so hard you could see stars.

you looked like an angel, simply ethereal and steve couldn't believe his eyes; here you were alive. a smile graces your lips as you look upon him for the first time, for you it was only moments ago that you saw him but for steve, it had been a long and arduous five years.

steve stands frozen to his spot so achingly far from you. you smirk at him, lips turning upwards before saying, "are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna kiss me, captain?"

steve can't help but chuckle, everything feels like it supposed to like it did before you turned to dust and steve's whole world was shattered and broken into fragments. he doesn't wait any longer, god he waited five years and he could no longer wait to feel your lips against his, to feel the gentle touch of your fingers raking through his hair as he kissed you into oblivion.

the moment his lips touch yours, his heart becomes whole again. steve and you kiss for what feels like an eternity but for steve it wasn't long enough. once you pull away to feel the air in your lungs again, steve pulls you into his chest, "i love you y/n, i can't ever lose you again. i missed you so much."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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