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I glanced around at my surroundings. It was lunch time, almost the end of the school day, and my school cafeteria was as crowded as it could be. It was my first day, so I hadn't made any friends yet. One girl, I recognized her from my calculus class, waved me over.

"You can sit with us, Ellie." She gave me a generous smile. "Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Elliot, Jade, Camila, and Noah. Of course, you already know me, Kara." She pointed to each person as she said their name. I'm glad she said her name, because I couldn't quite think of it.

"Thanks," I pushed the plaid skirt of my school uniform under my legs as I sat down. "I'm Ellie."

Noah chuckled and leaned back in his chair. "Yeah, we know." Noah was clad in a black leather jacket and faded jeans. His attire confused me, I assumed he was meant to be wearing the mandatory uniform. His hair was pushed back, showing off his bright blue eyes.

His statement kind of threw me off.

"What do you mean you know?" I asked, confused.

Noah chuckled, "We've heard about you." I looked at Kara for an explanation. She was quick to interpret. "Anytime someone moves here, the whole school is eager to find out everything about the person. Social standing, I suppose. I mean this is a private school." I nodded, blushing at the thought of everyone knowing who I was on my first day.

"Where did you move to?" Camila asked me. She must of noticed how I was apprehensive, because she went on. "I mean, just wondering."

"Um, it's a few blocks off The Plaza. Windsor Road. It's a decent sized neighbourhood I guess." I slowly stopped talking, noticing the looks on their faces. Some were amused and some were terrified.

"She lives in The Strand! Holy sh*t!" Noah's face was beyond amused. He clapped his hands and leaned back, laughing.

Camila stifled a giggle by covering her mouth with her hand. "Oh, my God! Did you already know this, Kara?" Kara shook her head vigorously.

"I swear I didn't!" Kara's eyes nearly bulged out of her skull. She looked like she had just seen a ghost. Elliot just laughed and rubbed Kara's back soothingly.

My feeble attempts to get answers were ignored over the chaos of everyone. "Hey!" Everyone at the table stopped making noise, even a few surrounding tables turned to see what all the fuss was about. "What exactly is going on?"

"This is ace!" Camila exclaimed. She was basically rolling around in her seat. "She doesn't even know what it is! Your parents have to know! There's no way they wouldn't."

My fingernails dug into my palms; I was getting angry. Noah seemed to take notice and finally composed himself enough to explain. "Sorry to break it to you doll face, but you live in one shady neighbourhood."

I rolled my eyes, a sarcastic remark threatening to roll off my tongue. "What? Like you'd know."

"I could care less if you believe me or not. Regardless, it's true." He spoke. "Your neighbours are all registered sex offenders." Camilla giggled and Elliot punched Noah in the arm, I assumed for being so blunt. I don't believe it. I won't. I looked over to Kara to give me some sort of answer close to 'no it's not true'.

Her face was completely serious, maybe even apologetic. To be honest, it did make sense. It would explain why my parents were talking the way they were.

My face paled and my stomach dropped.

I live in a neighbourhood filled with registered sex offenders.


School ended quicker than I would've liked. I didn't want to go home. Not that I don't like my house, but after the revelation at lunch about my neighbourhood, I've been dreading having to go home; because I have to walk through most of the neighbourhood.

I made my way past the double doors at the front of the school, shoving my school bag over my shoulder with a sigh.

I stop as I get to the side walk just before my neighbourhood. The wind blows my hair in my face, I push it behind my ear and slowly start walking.

I keep my head down as I pass the many beautiful houses lined up before mine. If they're registered sex offenders, then why do they have such amazing houses?

I find my head snapping up at the sound of a door slamming shut. I quickly glance down the sidewalk, my house is only, maybe four houses away.

I hear someone chuckle, "Why so nervous, baby?" My head quickly turns to the sound of the voice.

A tall man with black attire stares back at me. His head is shiny with the lack of hair, tattoos crawling up his neck to the top of his skull.

My heart speeds up along with my feet as I pass his driveway. I pass another house when I realise footsteps are behind mine. Maybe I'm just paranoid, I just need to keep walking.

I slow down when I glance at the house next to mine. The guy's house. I see a shadow through the window, but no savior, unfortunately.

The footsteps behind mine speed up and I feel a hand land on my shoulder, making me jump about a foot ahead and turn around.

The guy with the black clothes is standing in front of me with a smirk. His eyes have a yellow colour, along with his teeth. His breath reeks of alcohol and smoke, making my eyes water.

He steps closer and I step back, seemingly amusing him.

"What's the matter?" His hand raises to push the hair out of my face but he never gets to it, his hand stopping right before it touches my cringing face.


My head snaps to the side where my neighbour is standing on his porch. His curls were in a disarray across his forehead, his emotionless eyes looking at the scary man in front of me.

"Harry." Richards voice is amused.

I back up a couple steps while he's distracted but his eyes snap back to me, causing me to freeze.

"Ellie, go home."

A horrified breath leaves my lips, how does Harry know my name?

His eyes darken when he realises I haven't moved.

"Now, Elliana."

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