twenty seven

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{{we highly advise you to go back to the last chapter & read the last few paragraphs. we truly apologise for the length of time you've had to wait, please enjoy}}

In the movies, when someone breaks into the character's house, the girls are always taken away to some abandoned house or cabin. In the books, it's pretty much the same. The author writes about how the girl wakes up in the back of a smelly van or inside a warehouse, then how she tries to escape her confines.

You would imagine that's what it would be like if you ever happened to get kidnapped. It seems like something like that could never happen to you, so you always base your life off of the movies and books. But when it actually happens to you, you wouldn't know what to do. In those movies, the actors or actresses don't feel the fear, they don't feel the pain, it's all fake to them because they're just acting. But this situation is real.

My eyes burned from the tears of fear I'd been crying, my cheeks covered in dried tears. I was on the floor by the side of my bed, my knees aching from my weight. I was utterly exhausted from lack of sleep and trying to think of a way to escape my captor. I've tried running and crawling, trying to get to either my bedroom door or my window-resulting in me being forced to the ground every time. I've begged and begged for him to tell me what he wants, even begged for him to leave.

Cody would only stare.

He wouldn't speak to me, only sit in my desk chair and watch me, as if this was amusing. Apparently he trusted me not to scream, which was being debated. I'd asked him a hundred times why he had traveled all this way, why he was even here, and all I got was dismissive answers accompanied by a glare.

After he had revealed who he was, he had laid there on top of me while I thrashed and hit, trying to get out from underneath him. He had finally gotten off after warning me to be quiet, squeezing my mouth closed with his callused hand. I had obeyed him, wishing that I had just been dreaming, but I wasn't.

Here I was looking for another way to get out of my room. I stared at every corner of my room, trying to find something to help me in a kind of situation like this, but what is a girl supposed to do when her ex boyfriend shows up in the early hours of the morning. I finally realized if I could make it to my phone on the bed, then I could call someone. I'm sure I've neglected to think of this before because of how many times Cody has caught me trying to escape.

If Harry was here I'm sure this wouldn't be happening. But he left last night, how ironic. I lolled my head back in an attempt to comprehend everything that's happening. I also tried to think of what was about to happen. This is just like the stories, but I honestly don't understand why I'm so scared. Cody has only ever hit me once, not that he wouldn't do it again. The way he had talked to me over the phone, the way he had been acting before I moved away, something was definitely different.

Everything Cody was doing made me think something was now wrong with him. I subtly looked over to see him staring outside of the window at the dark sky and I could see the dark flesh surrounding his eyes. Maybe he's on drugs now. He's been zoning in and out of reality for a while, mumbling incoherent words to himself as if he were trying to come up with a plan or conversing with someone. He'd twist the fingers I once held tightly around the rope in his hands, and he'd only look at me when he heard something. Then he'd smirk and turn away again.

Was he mentally insane now? The thought made me sad for a split second, but it vanished as soon as I remembered the state he's put me in, or about to put me in. I don't love him, I honestly don't think I ever did. I might've thought it was love at the time, but honestly, Harry and I have more of a relationship than Cody and I ever did and I don't love Harry. A lot has changed.

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