twenty four

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I turned to the door but backtracked a step or two when I collided with hard body. I looked up, expecting my dad but instead met the face of a stranger. The man's light-brown skin tightened over his muscles when he reached out to make sure I wouldn't fall over. He smiled kindly at me and I hesitantly looked behind him to see my father.

Dad clears his throat and gives me a cautious smile, encouraging me to speak, but I keep my mouth shut. We haven't necessarily been on talking terms lately.

"Why, you must be Elliana. I'm Derek, Derek Marshall." He lets go of me and sticks his hand out, giving me a soft smile. I smile back, he seems nice. He must work with my dad. "Yes sir, but you can call me Ellie. It's nice to meet you," Mr. Marshal hums in acknowledgment.

"Well, I must be going. Nice speaking with you, Greg."

"Thank you again, Derek." My dad shakes his hand firmly, giving him a sad smile. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and bid goodnight to Mr. Marshall.

"He was nice," I murmured to Dad as I walked past him and into the house for bed.

* * *

I can't seem to wipe the smile off of my face as I walk back to my house. Elliana's perfume still seems to be surrounding me. Man, what a lovely smell.

"Styles," Richard makes an appearance for the second time tonight. I send a glare his way, cross my arms and turn towards him. "What the hell do you want?"

"Just wanted to see if you and lil momma were alright after that little argument earlier," Richard leaned against his mailbox and gave me a crooked smile. The muscles in my arms tense, causing me to unfold my arms but I stuff my fists inside my pockets. He's probably caused himself enough trouble for this week.

"Shouldn't you be in bed right now?" I asked him, the man is running on forty. And with how much trouble he gets himself into, you'd think he'd be exhausted.

He scoffed but wound up coughing, covering his mouth with his fist. Doesn't surprise me one bit, he's been smoking since he was eighteen. I turn to walk inside, he's waisting my time.

After clearing his throat a couple times, he stops me. "Well, I could say the same to you. Do tell me, Styles, how is she in bed? Damn, a man can only imagine."

"Go inside, Richard. Save yourself some trouble for tonight, yeah?" The corner of my mouth lifts up at the sight of the fading bruises on his jaw bone, courtesy of me. He's just trying to get a rise out of me. I never had this much trouble with him until Elliana and her family moved here.

Richard lifted a hand to run over his head, scratching at the nonexistent hair-and to my surprise, he actually turned towards his front door, a smile on his face. "Sure thing."

"Keep in mind though," he turned towards me right before entering his house. "once I have my hands on that girl-" A deep groan leaves his mouth.

I pull my hands from my pockets as I start to turn livid. "The things that I'll be doing to that sweet body of hers will be enough to keep every man in this neighborhood awake at night." Giving me a wink, he closes his front door.

I take a few deep breaths, calming myself. Richard is too scared to even consider living up to his words. But at the slightest thought of any other man from this neighbourhood getting close to Elliana, it makes me want to take her away from this place. But I can't.

I sigh and enter my own house, ridding myself of my shoes while laughter comes from my living room. I make my way towards it while unbuttoning the top buttons of my shirt, grabbing a bottle of beer from the grocery bag on the coffee table and sitting myself on the settee. All eyes land on me and I give everyone a grin.

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