chapter 6

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Weather was getting worst everyday. Today it was Sunday and I had the feeling it was going to rain sooner or later so I decided no to go to the dark that day. Yeah, the dark , the forest. I had decided to put it that name because it felt like it. But not the bad dark…the kind of dark where you wouldn’t mind to stay forever.

That’s why I think I liked it so much, and in such a few time.

I decided that I would arrange my room and finish with the photos of the girl and put them into the wardrobe box.

I turned the music on so that it wasn’t so boring and this time I had chosen Demi Lovato to entertain me. Something that we are not. I really thought it was a pretty funny catchy song.

As I put the photos inside the box I looked closely at them.

The girl had sparkly eyes and dark hair, with a straight bang along her face. She was amazingly stunning. In all of her photos she was smiling or laughing and I thought she was full of live. I wish I had met her. We would’ve been good friends.

I had almost collected all of the photos but for one. It was stuck on the frame, at the bottom, but it was upsite down. I hadn’t noticed about it before because if you weren’t close enough. In the photo there were two letters witten. L&D. what would it mean?

I tried to catch the photo but it was so stick to the frame that I couldn’t. When I finally got it, it fell down behind the bureau. Oh come on…

I tried to get it back but I couldn’t, so I decided to leave it there.  It is, after all, another photo of this pretty girl.

As I predicted it started raining a lot. I actually hated rain. It made me feel trapped and lonely. The only thing I liked was that now I could watch how it rain through the window.

So I got Shakespeare’s novel Romeo and Juliet (I told you I was cheesy), I sat down on the window frame and started reading.

I found it so romantic how Romeo and Juliet where. I know some people think they were stupid, but I really believed they were brave...they were fearless.


short chapter guys:$ please keep reading! i really apreciate it! and comment please! love you all! what do you think about it till the moment?

love you!!!! xxx- @5sweetswift13

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