My Plan

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Subaru and I went to the E.C the next day to buy a new phone and a new number. First of all, I secured the new number so there won't be anymore security breach like the last time.

Then I moved all of the old phone's data to the new one. After telling and texting all of my contacts that it's my new number, I can feel myself to relax a bit.

Don't get it wrong, I'm still using my old phone and old number but it's only for investigation purposes. And of course, to contact the organization or for them to contact me.


"We're back!"
I said as I kicked my shoes off at the entrance.

But the villa is suspiciously empty.

"Welcome home. The others are waiting in the swimming pool."
The butler greeted.

"They're swimming?"
I said, a little confused.

"Yes, since Kogoro Mouri-san said that a little refreshment is good for the brain."
He smiled.

I chuckled.

"I see..."


"Kii-chan! Jump in and swim with us!"
Ran waved excitedly from the pool.

"I'll go get changed first!"
I shouted as I ran to my room to get changed.

I got changed into a salmon colored one-piece swimsuit and joined the others after applying some sunblock.

"Subaru-san! Why don't you jump in?"
Ran said.

"Ah... thank you but I can't swim without my prescripted goggles."
He reasoned.

"Yeah... his eyesight is terrible."
I joked.

"That's too bad.."
Kazuha commented.

"Well, it can't be helped."
Heiji shrugged.


"Ara-chan, I can't believe I finally saw you without long sleeves!"
I chuckled.

"I haven't work out for a while. As a doctor, not only my patients need to be healthy, but I have to be healthy too."
He smiled.

"That's right. And I'm kinda surprised to see these muscles on you."
I teased.

"He used to be a basketball player during middle and highschool, right doctor?"
Conan interrupted.

"You were?"
I smiled.

"It was a long time ago."
He said, a little shy.

"No wonder you're in a great shape. And you're tall too."
I said.

In the middle of our conversation, Heiji suddenly grabbed my shoulder. I turned around to see his serious face.

"What... is this scar on your back? Have you ever been shot?"
He whispered.

I looked at him with a sad smile.

"I've been trough more than that."

Then I kinda lose the mood to play in the water. I called the butler. He showed up with a bathrobe for me. I can see that as I walked out of the pool, everyone's eyes is on my back. Looking at these ugly scars.


"Thank you."
I smiled at him who just delivered my afternoon tea.

Mine and Araide's room is now separated. So is everyone except for Ran and Kazuha who's too scared to have their own room.

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