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A grounder had saved her life.

A grounder had actually saved her life.

Octavia Blake stood over Theresa as she cleaned up the gash on her face. Theresa was watching the grounder with a cautious eye -- from what she had seen, grounders were nothing short of ruthless.

"You got a name?" Octavia asked her.

She looked over at the girl who stood in front of her. She thought about the moment that she came face-to-face with her older brother. It seemed that he hadn't gone off and told on her, telling that he had seen her. It surprised her that Octavia Blake didn't know who she was. Theresa pondered the thought, "Do I tell her? Will she even know who I am?"

When Theresa didn't say anything, Octavia met her eyes. "Can you understand me?" she asked.

Theresa nodded slightly.

"You're okay with us."

Theresa hesitated, her eyes glancing over at the grounder that stood behind Octavia before looking back at the girl who was still cleaning up her face. "Not sure if I can believe that," she replied softly.

Octavia flashed a look at her, the hint of a smirk showing in the corners of her lips. "This is Lincoln," she told her, "You're okay. I promise."

Theresa rolled her eyes. "Sorry, but given my past experience with grounders -- no offense, by the way -- I really don't believe you."

"Okay," Octavia replied, turning her attention back to cleaning up Theresa's wounds, "What about your name? I'm sure you have one."

"You don't already know?" Theresa asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You're dressed like me. You look like you came from the Ark. But I don't know you -- well, I don't recognize you anyway."

Theresa scoffed. "Surprising," she muttered.

Octavia smiled. "Well, sorry. Never got much of a chance to get to know people on the Ark."

"I know," Theresa replied. "You're the girl they found in the floor, right?"

"Technically, I wasn't in the floor. But...yes, that's where I spent most of my life. But who are you?"

Theresa hesitated. Octavia really had no idea. There was still that nagging feeling in the back of her mind, though.

"Don't tell, Theresa. You can't tell," her father whispered to her. She didn't have to look to see him standing there over her shoulder, whispering into her ear. "Who knows who's she's going to run and tell. They could have communication up at the camp. Jaha could order to have you killed."

She couldn't say anything, and the voice knew that. She didn't have to look to see the smile that was forming on her father's face. "You know that I'm right."

Except that he wasn't. Jaha was shot. Jaha was as good as dead. But there was still that slim chance that he had somehow survived, that the shooter hadn't done what he had meant to do. All this time, Theresa hadn't said a single word.

Octavia and Lincoln exchanged a look, Octavia looking over her shoulder at the grounder then looking back at the stranger that sat before her. "Okay, so...if you won't give me your name, then what am I supposed to call you?" she asked.

And she said the first thing that came to mind, "Call me T."


Jaha took Theresa outside, away from Murphy's listening ears. Theresa folded her arms, feeling the cold, night air blow against her covered arms. Jaha faced the clearing, and Theresa looked down at the ground. In the growing darkness, Theresa was able to make out the print that her foot had left in the dirt. She heard Jaha clear his throat and turn to face her.

The Girl With No Name // the 100 Wattys 2018!!Where stories live. Discover now