To Helm's Deep

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(elvish) {legendarish}
I rode with Aragorn again. After riding for what felt like forever I was listening to Gimli talking about Dwarf women. I was riding with Mason so Aragorn wouldn't have to deal with me for a while. When Gimli started talking, it got my interest and I got off the horse. I walked over beside Eowyn to listen closer.

Gimli- its true you don't see many Dwarf women and in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance that they are often mistaken for Dwarf men.

Eowyn looked back at Aragorn. I looked back at him to.

Aragorn- it the beards.

I giggled and kept a smile on my face but I was a little mad because I could see Eowyn liked Aragorn. I was also afraid that she would take him from me. We turned back to Gimli as he continued.

Gimli- this, in turn, has given rise to the believe that there are no Dwarf women and that Dwarfs just spearing out of holes in the ground, which is of course, ridiculous.

Gimli's horse took off running and he fell off. I was laughing with Aragorn and Eowyn. Eowyn went to help Gimli. We stopped for the night. I sleep between Stallion and Lilly. Aragorn looked like he needed time to think about something. The next day we begin to walk again. I walk with Gimli. We weren't to far from Aragorn and Eowyn. I could hear there conversation. I wasn't listening to Gimli, I was listening to Aragorn and Eowyn.

Eowyn- where is she? The woman who gave you that jewel.

Aragorn- she is up there talking to Gimli.

Me- Gimli. I'm bored. We've been walking for a long time.

Gimli- its not that bad lassie. We got to rest last night.

Me- that didn't help.

I was having a conversation with Gimli so Aragorn wouldn't know I was listening.

Eowyn- you mean Luna?

Aragorn- yes.

I felt something bad and I stopped in my tracks. Gimli stopped and turn to me.

Gimli- Luna? What's wrong lassie?

Me- something's off. I have a bad feeling.

I didn't wait for a responds I changed and just ran over the hill to see Legolas slicing an Orc's head off.

Legolas- a scout!

He turned to me. I turned and ran to Aragorn. When I got to him a changed back.

Me- wrags!!!!! Get the women and children out of here. NOW!!!

Stallion ran over to me and I got on him. We ran over to Gimli, who was having trouble with Hasuful. I grabbed the rings and guided the horse to where the rest of us where going. Legolas got on Hasuful in front of Gimli. Which amazed me. We rode into battle. Gimli was knocked off the horse and Legolas turn Hasuful so he could shot the wrag going after Gimli.

Gimli- that one counts as mine.

I was also knocked off my horse. I was on the ground with three scratch makers across my arm. I was scratched by a wrag without a rider. I guess it smelt my sent. It was going to kill me and I was without my weapons. All my weapons were on Arod. Which was a smart idea. I was going to fight this wrag bare handed until it went down because Legolas shot it with an arrow.

Me- Legolas, can I use one of your daggers? My weapons are on Aragorn's horse.

Legolas- yea here.

He gave me a dagger and left but no doubt keeping an eye on me. Another wrag came at me but this one had a rider. The orc grabbed my neck and Aragorn was on the other side of him. Aragorn spotted me. He grabbed a knife and stabbed the orc which made the orc drop me. I watched in horror as Aragorn was dragged off the cliff. I was about to go after him but was stopped when a wrag knocked me to the ground. Legolas' dagger fell from my hand and was a few feet away. I was underneath the wrag. He bit my left shoulder I screamed in pain and reached for the dagger. I felt it on the tip of my finger. The wrag drew back and ran its claw across of stomach. I screamed again, as my hand reached the dagger I plunged it into the beast. It fell on top of me. I knew Aragorn had fallen off the cliff and I just laid there. I didn't want them to find me. I heard them calling Aragorn and my names. I didn't answer. I heard them all leave. A while later I felt the wrag being lifted off of me. I looked up to see my old friend, Alec. Alec was always looking after me when we were kids in Rivendell. He is an elf and he always followed me around. Everywhere he went I went and everywhere I went he went.

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